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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. I understand that, but IF you were people who had to travel by air, for the hoiliday, or drive long distances in probable snow, maybe you would see it differently? The travel weather would change by maybe 5-6 weeks, at a time of the year when it can become a big factor.
  2. Yes he was also "buried" when he went to school there, so very fitting.
  3. Thanksgiving is an important holiday, but I do wish the USA would celebrate it in October too. It can be hell traveling at the end of November, when it could easily be moved to a more weather moderate time of the year. Why not give a nod to Canada, and celebrate on the same day?
  4. Did they post pictures of beavers?
  5. I'm betting on the sun rising in the East, Monday morning.
  6. Is that Thanksgiving?
  7. Great pics and greater memories. It had the sole distinction of being a terrible place to watch sports, any and all sports. Kind of like a miniature LA Coliseum. Built for track, used for everything else.
  8. Sounds as if that's not the normal type STD. As the Leper said to the prostitute, "keep the tip!"
  9. Yes, and if we were socialists, this would be as good as it gets!
  10. I usually wait till the first 3-4 games have been played, then maybe I'm not so interested?
  11. An updated Family Truckster!
  12. My mama told me, you better shop around!
  13. No Fracking in NYS, BUT..........
  14. Nobody's talking about the now, very old, F-14's.
  15. Have you ever gone by the name DB Cooper?
  16. Maybe you'll get athlete's stump??
  17. Not your father's Rock Pile.
  18. G-4's have pretty small nose gear tires. The plane had a heavy fuel load due to the flight plan, so if one tire failed, the weight/speed of the plane may have over stressed the other tire. Maybe the tires were older, or previously damaged? If there's a cut, and it's on the ramp side of the tire, you wouldn't see it on a pre-flight inspection. They could have also hit something on the runway, causing a tire to fail. They did the right thing(s). Burn off extra fuel because G-4's can't dump fuel, then divert to some airport that's an old/former SAC base, with a 12,000' runway, and set it down, slow & nose high, for as long as possible.
  19. That's not true! The older you get, the LESS the noise will bother you. I'm there! What noise???
  20. Used to enjoy San Francisco, before the needles and sh*t were everywhere.
  21. This should have been titled; Would ya??? Change that tire???
  22. Maybe, after all the dissenters and non-believers are "gone."
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