Yes, the phone info is very important. Lived in Houston, during hurricane Alicia. It was a Cat 5, in '83, and many houses lost their perimeter fences. I found 2 white Great Pyrenees in my un-fenced yard. They had numbers on their collars, and the owners were very happy to get them back.
We are on Golden Retriever #6, over 45 years. The first 2 we had their whole lives. 3 thru 5 were "senior" rescues, so they were only with us 2-3 years each. When #5 died, we went back to the rescue people but were informed that they wouldn't let us have a "younger" dog because we don't have a fenced yard. So time passed, and I found our current dog, on the SPCA web site. He's a pure bred, and was "about a year old," in 2009. He was a runner too, and I think that's how he ended up with the SPCA. So now, 9 years later, he's slowed down quite a bit, as have I, but he's the best of the bunch, so far.
Best of luck with your new dog!