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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Are they still on? Guess, I answered that question!
  2. Act your age, not your shoe size.
  3. Being that we're 2-6, this makes perfect sense.
  4. Considering the location, there's not very much else to do. Wanna look at a hot spring or drink another beer? Maybe that's where the hot springs come from?
  5. Who gets to "hold" the money? If it's one of them, we know who may be stupid here.i
  6. Not aware of San Diego building a stadium. Where would they play?
  7. It'll be another 10 years before we see it.
  8. IF St Louis needs a team, and they've already lost a franchise 2x, I'd see the Chargers go there before anybody else. LA cannot support two NFL teams.
  9. Thought this was about Tom Donohoe.
  10. Don't see that happening, not because he's not worth it, but because of his personal legal issues.
  11. There's a restaurant, 2 blocks outside the Colonial Area but in Williamsburg, called a Chef's Kitchen. http://www.achefskitchen.biz It's pricey, and they have a several month reservation waiting list, but for a special occasion, it's worth consideration. It's 4-5 courses, with a different wine pairing with each course. They prepare the food in front of you, it's very good, and the entertainment value makes it maybe worth while. After dinner they have each of the dinner wines available for sale, and they are all $10 a bottle! I think they seat about 30 for dinner and it's a tiered seating arrangement, facing the chef.
  12. How can we claim a "centerpiece," when people keep jumping through the table?
  13. When I discouraged people from paying to enter Colonial Williamsburg, that's mostly because we used to live there. Marv and Steve Christy were there too, So we've been and saw everything, and it doesn't change. Obviously if you have an interest or curiosity, it could be worth it. I would still encourage people to park on the street, enter and "walk around," before you put your money down. After doing that, you will either decide yes or no. If you have walked around, and decide that you are a yes, you can purchase your pass at a small building called the Lumber House, right on Duke Of Gloucester St., in the center of the Colonial area You don't have to start at the main entrance, and take their bus over to the Colonial Area. When you live there, you can get a "Good Neighbor pass," which is a reduced price annual pass to everything. My wife & I had dinner in Williamsburg, last spring, and discovered that they have a very heavy tax on meals, 13%? as I recall, and I assume hotels. It's discouraging to see them rip the very people who they are trying to attract.
  14. Every end of October, I hope for some blockbuster trade, similar to the way we got Cornelius Bennett. For too many years it's been like waiting for the Great Pumpkin.
  15. Tebow now!
  16. Absolutely right! Colonial Williamsburg would love to be able to install a perimeter fence, and charge everyone. That will never happen because the streets are public, and it is right next to the William & Mary campus.. All the residences are owned bu Colonial Williamsburg and occupied by their employees. The higher up you are, the better the house. We enjoy going in December. After the Grand illumination crowds are gone. All the Christmas decorations are there, but not the crowds. It's a very pleasant little place to walk around, and there's no charge to do that. You need a "pass" to go into the Governors Palace, Capital, Art Gallery etc., or anything with a Union Jack flag in front. Duke Of Glouster St., (DoG Street) has a shoe maker shop, about mid street.. Next to that there's an alley, with a small cottage like residence. If you're there for Christmas, the lady always has some very imaginative decorations. There should be plenty of hotel deals, many with free breakfast, and parking. Grand Illumination is usually around the 1st Saturday/Sunday of December. Stay away from that mess, and you should be OK. I-64, E of Richmond is supposed to be going thru a widening project, so I'd use VA-5 to get in/out. VA-5 is a nice drive, never has traffic, but watch out for the deer! There's a VA-5 exit off I-295. I avoid I-64, so not sure how bad it may or may not be? Look for a parking spot of VA-60 (Richmond Rd)., and walk from there. That's free too.
  17. https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article220486760.html
  18. Usually it's the travel home part that causes trouble.
  19. Just get them to take him, as a gift.
  20. Sammy looked very good! Not a bad WR, when he has someone to reliably throw his way.
  21. More Fake news? No pics., no mug shot, no body cam shots, no telling if she was successful? And apparently, no happy ending!
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