It's nice to see that someone in office is actually refelctive and tries to learn from it. The only time any reflection is done by a politician in my state (IL) is trying to figure out where they screwed up which led to them getting caught.
For me, that would be a deal breaker. I do not hate Christians. I feel people are free to believe whatever they want to believe. The issue I have with social conservatives (whom I differentiate from regular Christians, whom in my experiences, are open/tolerant of other view points) is the need to use religion as a means to butt into the lives of people they do not agree with. I grew up in the bible belt so I had my fill of this stuff and then some.
I find it ironic he talks about on his website upholding the Constitution, the freedoms it provides, and yet turns around and wants to deny people basic freedoms by ammending the Constitution declaring marriage shall only consist of a legal union between a man and a woman.
All of which frustrates me as I agree with him on a lot of other issues. Ideally I would like to find someone running for office that is a fiscal conservative, smaller govt, etc. and most importantly actually understands and respects the Constitution.