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Everything posted by EC-Bills

  1. Well said and Chrome rocks!
  2. Exactly what I was thinking.
  3. Question for you Verizon folks... do you really think their network will *not* have problems if they get to sell the iPhone?
  4. Actually that is an understatement. Their Active Directory integration sucks and they don't care. They'll do their standard, it's MS fault. From the IT perspective, in an corporate environment users having to use iTunes to maintain the phone ridiculous.
  5. Just because it doesn't happen for you doesn't mean there isn't an issue. Apple had to release a config profile to address this issue: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3398 On the ironic side, Apple supports the digital signing of configuration profiles since they can make important changes to how your device operates, but yet the chose not to sign their profile.
  6. To be fair, the same can be said for OS X.
  7. I get where ICE is coming from. Edwards regularly has wobbly throws, which is a problem when the weather gets nasty at the Ralph. You ideally want someone who can throw a tight spiral as that can help cut threw the wind as opposed to a one that hangs in the air.
  8. You always do like the crazy ones.
  9. What do you expect them to do? You have gone on and on about the "last post wins" thread so much at practices they really had no other choice
  10. I agree, what an a**-hole!
  11. Congratulations on your daughter graduating HS. I have 15 years to go before mine graduates HS.
  12. On a lighter note when I first saw the title, "help leagal eagles", I thought for sure you were launching an assault to get your avatars back...
  13. Someone dies, two others are injured and the joke opportunities are plentiful?
  14. Unless of course, Mrs. Beerball's genetics won out.
  15. No offense guys, but do you really think that NY or CA can match up with the incompetence/corruption of Illinois? I don't think so.
  16. What problem do you have with paying taxes?!? It's patriotic you know. You must be some anti-american
  17. Suck up. Seriously congrats! Wife and I celebrated our 8th year on the 26th of this month.
  18. The group I mentioned above, it is just media players for web content. I also support a digital media group who use a variety of products: Adobe Premiere (they are hoping CS5 sucks less), rendering software (can't remember the names), etc. This group does AV production, media conversion/duplication, streaming to a name a few things.
  19. What in the flying !@#$ are you talking about?!? Windows 7 *was* designed for business productivity! Why do you think they have Professional and Enterprise versions?
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