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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Why don't you and Wacka just get a room together, so the rest of us don't have to have your idiocy inflicted on us?
  2. Oh, ain't that just the !@#$ing truth. Even my cats do that to me.
  3. So he's acting like a politician?
  4. People are idiots. That's how dipshits like Clinton and Bush get elected in the first place.
  5. And Miami. Every year I can remember, Miami fails to live up to anyone's expectations. Isn't that the definition of a "flop"?
  6. THIS is what I never liked about the Clintons. It's not that they lie, it's that they do it so obviously and poorly.
  7. Yep. Most people I know that have had their wisdom teeth out after the age of 30 have needed it done as an inpatient procedure, with an overnight hospital stay. I had mine out when I was 18, because the lower ones were obviously going to be trouble (and those ended up being the ones they had to chop up)...and had the upper ones taken out at the same time, to avoid further problems. My brother had his out at 14, when they were barely developed, because one of them was coming in under a nerve, and eventually would have cut the nerve and paralysed his jaw. THAT was some serious surgery...removing under-developed teeth deep in the gum tissue.
  8. I was under for 90 minutes when I had mine out. Of course, they had to cut them into pieces with some sort of miniature rotary saw... But I barely knew. Sodium pentathol is great stuff. I don't recall much pain afterwards, either.
  9. Yeah, you seem dumber.
  10. Yeah. They follow the Tigers.
  11. To a simple question you didn't actually ask.
  12. Actually, that was a complete answer. You asked how the "incompetent, idiot in the White House is affecting OVERSEAS oil markets?" I answered. Completely. That you couldn't perceive that is simply because you don't even understand your own posts, much less anyone else's. "Condescending". And it's "pedantic supercilious anal orifice" to you, you rat-brained little pustule.
  13. Sounds like Fox News.
  14. Particularly if you've already hit The Change. By the way...the whole "plastic and duct tape" thing? It's been done to death already.
  15. Oil's bought and sold using US dollars world-wide. The current monetary policy is causing the dollar to strengthen. Ergo, a dollar buys more oil on the spot market. And THAT, my dear cabbage-brained little dimwit, is how a sitting administration affects worldwide commodities prices.
  16. And the same thing happens when Detroit wins a sports championship. Who's the barbarians?
  17. But someone threw a cup at Ron Artest!
  18. A first and a second, you say?
  19. The corrosive blood agent chafes, though...
  20. Holcomb's Arm started another thread?
  21. Hanging's been done, though. I'd try self-immolation...but gas prices...
  22. Let it go already. Good God, you people are making ME want to OD on painkillers...
  23. It makes for good, intriguing conversation to discuss why Fan in San Diego behaves the way he behaves. So let's discuss that: why does he think he can give a definitive diagnosis of mental illness on someone he's never met based on internet reports and a message board? Jesus, some of you people are !@#$ing dumb.
  24. True, that. A suicide attempt basically means you get put under a 24-72 hour psych watch, and leaving a/m/a isn't an option. He could have a diagnosable mental illness. It's possible. On the other hand, he could just be a !@#$ing moron. I think the key point here is: you idiots are trying to diagnose a mental illness from media reports!!! Don't. It's not that easy when you're a professional talking face-to-face with a patient. I highly doubt any of you mouth-breathing pez-heads are going to stumble on a correct diagnosis based on ESPN's reporting. As I said a while ago: judgement does NOT equal insight.
  25. But this isn't Disney. This is reality. So pile the !@#$ on...
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