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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. So what's the price action been on those other commodities the past five weeks? Because I would presume, if Goldman-Sachs drove oil prices down by taking $6B out of the market, they drove everything else up by putting $6B into it.
  2. Frist at least understands that (or has accidentally tripped over) one of the major flaws - and a big contributor to 9/11 - in Clinton's Southwest Asia policy was failing to recognize the Taleban as a true player in the Afghanistan power struggle. However, Frist clearly has absolutely no understanding of anything about the region: the nature of the tribal society, the role of Pakistan in Afghanistan and the Taleban, the importance of the NWFP and the Kashmir in Afghanistan, local and regional opinions concerning the Durant Line. Even though Frist somehow manages to peg the biggest flaw in the Clinton foreign policy...he's still an incredible !@#$ing moron.
  3. Of course, SC outlawed a taxable revenue stream, and drove people towards an untaxable one. In this case, the powers-that-be are trying to outlaw an untaxable revenue stream. Anyone care to guess why? Don't kid yourselves. It's not about the morality of gambling. It's about the money.
  4. There is NO WAY the Democratic members of the House and Senate didn't know about this. Even if the congresscritters don't associate with each other across party lines (and they do), their staffers do, and behind the scenes are hundreds (if not thousands) of support staff that are employed by the Capitol itself and are decidedly non-partisan...such as the Congressional pages. Everyone knows everyone else's business on The Hill. The only thing that might lead me to believe that this wasn't a scheduled leak is that the Foley story trumped Woodward's book.
  5. Actually, I think one-room Amish schools are going to be an easy target no matter what...
  6. Nah, I'll take that one. Because they did. Of course, the Republicans would have sat on it forever, if they could have. The bottom line is: both sides of the aisle are playing party politics with the safety of teenage boys. Which, in its own way, is more disgusting than what Foley did.
  7. Yeah, I can't figure it out either...
  8. I'd feel unsurprised. Everyone hits on my wife. Dan Marino has hit on my wife (in a hotel lobby, in Florida, when his wife and autistic son were having dinner in the hotel restaurant. Marino's a scumbag.) She had a marriage proposal from someone last week. If Clinton hit on my wife...he wouldn't be unique. And my wife would laugh her ass off at him. And he still wouldn't be unique.
  9. His blankey's in the wash, so he wanted attention...
  10. Well...for starters, we know it's not a show tune. If it were, you would have nailed it down cold...
  11. As do I. Mother!@#$er steals my press...
  12. You know that old saying, about an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters recreating the complete works of Shakespeare? Your posts: three monkeys, one typewriter.
  13. Soon to be 4-1. I don't expect the Bills to beat the Bears...but I don't expect the Bears to beat a non-divisional opponent by 11 after that ass-whuppin' they gave Seattle, either.
  14. You got beat up a lot in high school, didn't you? And that was just last year, wasn't it?
  15. With apologies... Cameron Worrell and Timothy McVeigh
  16. Robbie Gould and Agent Smith
  17. Lance Briggs and LL Cool J
  18. Hey, they're two different posts...
  19. Of course he can't.
  20. With what, my conjecture that free agency is a better measure of a GM than the draft? Because that's all I said. I didn't say that Donahoe was lousy in the FA market, just that his performance in the market would be a better measure of him. And I didn't see where your post spoke to that conjecture.
  21. He drafted good and bad players. Just like nearly every other GM in the league. The draft is, believe it or not, rather a crap shoot. I think a better judgement of him would be: what did he do in free agency?
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