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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. By the way...Campy's right. Concentrate on sentence structure before flowery prose. It'll make your mask far less obvious.
  2. Actually, there's more to it than that. "Ron Mexico", according to the woman's suit, is Michael Vick's alias he uses when he visits the clinic for his herpes treatments.
  3. That's the best you can do with The Godfather? Michael: Ron Mexico is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't give women herpes. Michael: Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?
  4. Show's what you know. JSP's not one to mask his hopeless desperation.
  5. Walter Sobchak: You want herpes? I can get you herpes, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. The Dude: Yeah, but Walter... Walter Sobchak: Hell, I can get you herpes by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with Ron Mexico.
  6. He's a couple trees over. Want me to toss a message his way?
  7. Edit the Virginia Tech logo to the obvious "VD".
  8. Only if you put it in the form of a study: A Study on the Effects of Sitting on Ones Ass and Drinking Beer All Day As It Pertains To the Pissing Away of Federal Grant Money. Actually, you probably could get a grant for studying something stupid like the relation between beer drinking and urine production. Considering the federal government gives research grants for things like studying the effect of placebos (two years of research and a quarter-million dollars to find that placebos have no effect. ) or homosexual necrophilia in malllard ducks, I don't see why not...
  9. Oh, you shut up. The courts never would have usurped power if it wasn't for your lame-duck judicial appointments that led to Marbury v. Madison in the first place...
  10. It made sense to me. Of course, I sit in a tree and throw my own feces at passers-by...
  11. Repeatedly quoting Marbury v. Madison is a clever trick (and I mean that as a compliment), considering that there seems to be much debate and little agreement on the precise meaning of that 200 year old case. I'm not going to pretend I understand it completely, despite having read Marshall's opinion and a bunch of essays on it....but I don't suppose you can accurately, dispassionately, and unbiasedly explain it, can you? And regardless...you make it sound as though over the past 200 years, the US has been ruled by judicial fiat that reduced the executive and legislative branches to a sham. Given that the opinion in Marbury v. Madison specifically found that the issuing of writs of mandamus by the Supreme Court exceeded its Constitutional authority, and that the powers that the court supposedly usurped (namely: the authority to limit the legislative and executive branches to their own Constitutionally granted authorities), are arguably implicit in its constitutional mandate even outside the Judicial Act of 1787, I would dispute your implication.
  12. But what if I pulled a toy gun on a bank teller?
  13. ????? Yeah, that's a good analogy.
  14. I can't see how this would pass, but I swear, if it does I'll openly call for armed rebellion to restore this country's government to its basic Constitutional foundation. And even so, these bozos ought to be impeached for violating their oaths of office...last I checked, they swore to support and defend the Constitution as the soverign source of law, liberty, and government.
  15. Wait...you mean they BOTH could be at fault? What a novel concept! And here I thought, from reading the board, that "fault" was strictly an "either/or" principle.
  16. A whole 25 minutes? Must've got stuck in traffic on the way out...
  17. "All officials who are either totally inept, clueless or corrupt..."? Who's left?
  18. Don't forget the whole "Protestants are just jealous" line of reasoning. Man, the way Catholicism is getting twisted into the end-all and be-all of religion - i.e. you're either Catholic, or your religious beliefs are based on being anti-Catholic - is vaguely reminiscent of the warped logical process that turned half-assed phrenological theory into the Nazi concept of Aryan superiority. Weird...
  19. From the article... Huh? I HOPE that merely reads worse than it actually is...because if that statement accurately represents a staff meeting every ten months... Makes one wonder if "Kofi Annan" isn't Ghanaian for "monkey who throws crap".
  20. His feeding tube wasn't a permanent fixture like Schiavo's. I'm sure they pulled it, simply because they weren't feeding him at the moment of his death. Were it a permanent fixture...they wouldn't have pulled it, as per his express wishes. But hey...way to toss some crap around, comparing apples and oranges. I like your style. *SPLAT*
  21. The pope's dying a natural and peaceful death in his old age that has no controversy surrounding it, save the pitiful excuse for an argument you're trying to manufacture. As a fellow crap-throwing monkey, I welcome the attempt.
  22. I'm not debating any issues. I'm throwing crap. Because that's what I do, I'm a crap-throwing monkey. And as such, I have nothing but admiration for my fellow simians who raise feces-throwing to high art through arguing that legislatively establishing a home run record is an important part of national drug policy. I'm merely a crap-throwing monkey, and nowhere near your league. *SPLAT*
  23. Difference being: I'm a crap-throwing monkey. When I throw crap, I don't have any pretensions to calling it "leadership" or doing it "for the sake of the children".
  24. I still want to hear the explanation nonetheless. That was some wacky, wacky stuff you were slinging.
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