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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Oh, great...Bush kills puppies, kittens, and NOW little fishies...
  2. Uhhh..."I'm sense a pattern"? No, it shouldn't. Maybe I was optimistic earlier, in assuming you had passed the TOEFL...
  3. A whole sixty years? Use that logic with an Auschwitz survivor, or a surviving rape victim of Nanking, or a Bataan Death March veteran. Or a long-time resident of Hiroshima...tell them they shouldn't still be upset about the atomic bomb (I've done that...that discussion got ugly). Or go down to the deep south and tell everyone that the "War of Northern Aggression" was 150 years ago and they should get over it. Hell, Chechnia's been part of the Soviet Union/Russia for 70 or 80 years...why would they still be upset about it? "That was 60 years ago" might - might - be decent logic with individuals, but it gets just a little specious when cultural differences are involved. And anyway...Japan's entirely different now? Really? That would probably be news to the Japanese, particularly the ones that are told the US started the war with the oil embargo and Japan was only defending herself against Western aggression...just like they were told 60 years ago. Japan may build cities out of concrete and steel instead of wood and rice paper now...but Japanese racialism towards the gaijin - and particularly towards the Koreans, who themselves respond in kind - is as it ever was.
  4. On the other hand, you'd think the trade deficit would stand on its own as an indictment of his economic policies without having to add "George Bush kills puppies and kittens".
  5. He's just envious because he's usually nominated for UN ambassador...
  6. I think it's a Dr. Seuss reference. A turd tossing Sam-I-Am. Still misspelled, though.
  7. I don't. I hang from my tail in a tree. I am, after all, a crap-throwing monkey.
  8. But if he's an average poster...that would make him "unexceptional", which I assume would then make him "exceptional" in his own eyes...
  9. Can't distinguish fiction and non-fiction, can't distinguish "converse" and "obverse", can't distinguish "Catholic" and "non-Catholic"...I'm sensing a pattern...
  10. I don't disagree with putting Bolton in the UN on those grounds...but I'm not positive that's the only motivation, particularly given that the UN's inherent anti-Americanism and Bolton's disenchantment with the UN combined are likely to make the UN more intransigent towards the US than less. Why couldn't it be more a matter of marginalizing the UN even further than it already has itself? Putting a UN Ambassador into the UN who has a dislike for the UN would not tend to lend any validity to the UN's processes. But then...if they just kicked the whole parasitical organization out of New York, I wouldn't shed too many tears anyway.
  11. As I recall, he had some sort of vision problem related to depth perception that precluded his being an effective CB.
  12. Shocked, yes SHOCKED I am, that the economy is SO bad that even innocent dogs and cats have to suffer for it! Really, isn't that just a little bit of a stretch? "George W. Bush kills puppies and kittens!"?
  13. ...as detailed in a fictional non-fiction work.
  14. Ah, again irony...being brought to task for fact checking from someone who can't tell fiction from non-fiction.
  15. "Converse", you dolt. Not "obverse". Reading your posts is like listening to someone who just passed the TOEFL and now thinks he's Shakespeare.
  16. Why limit our hindsight goggles to just that? Since they cut Bledsoe anyway, they should have started Losman last season. Oh yeah...he had a broken leg...well, they shouldn't have picked up Troy Vincent then, either...
  17. Should I start an "I want to ride in Alaska Darin's posse" thread, to help the process along?
  18. But it has anti-Catholic leanings, so even though it's fiction, it's non-fiction, because it's anti-Catholic, especially if someone in New Jersey throws a telephone pole at Ron Artest while illegally but not enforceably hence legally downloading a copy of his CD. Or something...
  19. I read a lot. And not just Richard Preston. C.J. Peters did a good review of emerging filoviruses about ten years ago, for example...but given that it's an actual scholarly publication, it must not be nearly as accurate as The Hot Zone. And anyway...80% of it (of anything, really) is common sense. Ebola (save the Reston strain) and Marburg have a history of not spreading easily and quickly through large populations - the Kikwit epidemic, for example, developed so slowly that it was six months before it was even identified, and was burning itself out by the time the medical response was organized and on-site. And there's more than a few cases of symptomatic Ebola patients getting on planes and flying to major cities without infecting anyone (case in point: in one of the Zaire Ebola outbreaks, there was a nurse that caught the virus, got sick, flew to Kinshasa, and ended up having normal everyday contact with a confirmed 250 people - probably more - on the flight in and on the ground, some of whom shared food and drinks with her. She infected precisely no one.) And there's more than a small chance that Ebola, like Lassa, doesn't always cause a critical illness - Lassa fever for a long time was thought to be universally dangerous and kill have the people who got it, but it's since been discovered that most people who catch it develop low-grade fevers (a lot of cases of "fevers of unknown origin" in West Africa turn out to be low-grade Lassa infections), with maybe 1 in 1000 developing the severe form of Lassa fever, and considering that some 10% of the Pygmies tested in the Ituri forest have antibodies to Ebola (but are, in fact, not dead), it's entirely possible that the hemmoraghic version of an Ebola infection is not the only, or even most common, expression of Ebola. Not necessarily likely...but given the number of people living in regions where Ebola's endemic who carry antibodies to such, it certainly can't be ruled out. But this outbreak is going to kill 90% of 7 billion people if someone gets on a plane and flies to Cairo...because Pete read it in The Hot Zone. Like I said...common sense. Sadly, common sense isn't.
  20. Right. Let me sum up your posts describing your feelings for The Da Vinci Code: "It's fiction, but as a self-righteous Catholic with a persecution complex I insist on treating it as non-fiction so I can revel in being a self-righteous Catholic persecuted by a work of fiction." Do you have ANY idea how stupid you sound? I mean, think about it. You're arguing that Brown's work is non-fiction, so you can complain that he made it up to slam the Catholic Church. What kind of lobotomy have you had that you think you can demonstrate the idea "This book is fiction" with the premise "This book is non-fiction"?????? WTF????? There's a reason I post as the Crap Throwing Monkey. It's because the moniker fits better in discussions like this with lunatics like you.
  21. Ah, irony... Ah, hell...not this broken record again. Does that make Dan Brown a Protestant?
  22. Enthusiasm, resolve, and big words. Poor grammar...but with big words, nonetheless.
  23. But...but...but...he said his work of fiction was non-fiction! The reviewers prove it! I should have just called myself "Crap Throwing Beausox".
  24. Part of that might have to do with the current cultural atmosphere that requires us every December 7th to apologize for forcing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. But even so...The Chinese and Koreans have very legitimate cultural beefs with the Japanese. We merely fought a war with them. Koreans were enslaved by them, and the Chinese suffered atrocities as bad as if not worse than anything the SS did in Eastern Europe (I know you've heard of Unit 731). What's the worst the Japanese did to the US civilian population directly? Balloon bombs over Oregon? The Japanese refusal to own up to even the most basic facts of their militaristic past is shameful...and utterly predictable. They've been doing it ever since Hirohito announced the surrender to the population; why start acknowledging it now?
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