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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Some do. I'm too busy throwing crap. And that's an excellent demonstration of using a dictionary to obtain almost no meaningful understanding of a concept. Exaggerating the importance of malaprops in determining intelligence isn't hyperbole because it's too subtle?
  2. It's very elegant that way. Has a certain freedom to its linguistic flow that's almost poetic, in kind of the same way that smearing urine and feces on a canvas is almost "art".
  3. Let me put it this way: no. Simply because I believe that bringing "Republican" or "Democrat" into the argument clouds the real issue, that the root causes are basic systemic issues with how our government is run that transcend partisan considerations. Whether it's supposed to be or not, the federal government as a practical matter is designed (or has evolved) to be fiscally irresponsible and bloated. Whatever political party might be in power at a given moment may be able to fix it with enough political will, but neither one causes it.
  4. "sh-- slinging simian", please...
  5. Maybe he's trying to learn a new language...
  6. Is that supposed to be some sort of anti-Catholic statement?
  7. I was using a literary device called "hyperbole". Look it up. And I've heard enough from people who would know to believe that Bush is pretty dull-witted, and even if he's not, the federal government in catering to the lowest common denominator of the American populace is pretty much designed to deprecate any intelligence that may exist in it...but that's not the point. The point is that a lot of people who consistently rail against him for being an idiot are equally consistent in railing against him for being a clever schemer. You really can't have it both ways; either the guy's dumb as a post, or he's not.
  8. Uh...because the rules make no sense. For example: why four books of matches? What makes that fifth book so much more dangerous than the first four?
  9. Speak English for once!!!! None of us are fluent in potato head...
  10. Last year's draft cartoon was absolutely hilarious. Dennis Green trades the Cardinals first-round pick for a twin-pack of Twinkies...
  11. Oh. My English skills is sub-pear today, I'm guess. I'm must be channeling beausox...
  12. He didn't say "light a fuse", he said "use as a fuse". Which, personally, I found even more insipid and dense...
  13. Has anyone yet tried ordering a #7 Falcons jersey with the name "Herpes"?
  14. But the problem with that logic is that it presumes Bush is clever enough to feign ignorance...but the same people that would presume that simultaneously call him one of the dullest people to ever occupy the Oval Orifice. So which is it? Is he endlessly clever, or endlessly stupid? You can't have it both ways. Personally...I lean towads the latter, if only because I can't accept the idea that a man who uses words like "nukyooler" and "subliminable" is smart enough to maintain plausable deniability by letting a cabinet department front his own idea...
  15. Was there a point to this post?
  16. But the shoe bomber had explosives (or just Nike Airs...I'm still not entirely clear if they found explosives in his shoes or not.) Of course, he also had matches and not a lighter...
  17. I think it's more telling, rather than bitching about "Bush is backing off what he said earlier...", to note this quote from the article: Seems he's not really backing off the idea, considering the announcement took him by surprise!!!!!????? Great executive oversight, that...did his cabinet-level department simply not brief him before their press release, or was he asleep during that particular cabinet meeting? Still...every time I read something this stupid about the current administration, I still have to thank God that that (*^*&%^$^#Kerry's not in the White House...
  18. It's a colloquialism, you dumbass...
  19. And while you're telling that to the Republicans, don't forget to ignore the chart on that link that shows the tax burden increasing in every year of the Clinton administration. Sure...it's a partisan issue...one party's better than the other...right...
  20. I wasn't too happy about that whole AiO and The Dean for BF deal, personally...
  21. That's because she's in a burlesque show...which is basically strippers without the nudity. And just so we're all clear...when I said above that "daddy's little stripper is all growed up", I wasn't complaining or criticizing.
  22. A close third, if you count DC. And that's without DC's proposed commuter tax (where non-residents have to pay income tax to DC for the privilege of working in the district).
  23. Awww...daddy's little stripper is all growed up. He must be so proud. I'm thinking she takes after her mother's side...
  24. Pointless? I thought anyone who disagreed with him was "unpatriotic" and had to shut up?
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