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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Sure he could. He could also fumble 8 times, and get McNabb killed with his near-total lack of ability to read a blitz and either pick it up or act as a safety valve. I don't know that Henry's running has ever really been an issue. It's the rest of his game that's the problem.
  2. Because I've studied it for nearly 25 years, and you're an idiot. It's a judgement call. The backhanded complement was directed at JSP, not you. I wouldn't even grace you with a backhanded one.
  3. Being that I quite possibly know more about the history of Nazi Germany than JSP, I feel comfortable in saying based on previous discussions with him that he knows vastly more on the subject than you. I may disagree with him on some points in this debate...hell, I may even think some of his opinions are idiotic (in a "he should know better" sense, but he is, after all, a stubborn opinionated bastard)...but I respect the body of knowledge on which he bases malformed opinions. And now I'm going to just sit back and admire that artfully crafted backhanded compliment...
  4. I thought he already did, with that stupid bill to require the courts to recognize God as the highest source of law...
  5. Rather than retype it... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=309265 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=309250 We're probably closer to agreeing than we realize...our main argument isn't about Ratzinger's suitability as Pope, but on the true definition of "Nazi".
  6. Doesn't take a whole lot of brains to throw out an offer for a loan you don't need with no option for paying it off early and a 7% adjustable percentage rate. Sure, I'm going to take money I'm required to pay back on a fixed schedule at a rate that can be arbitrarily raised at the whim of the lender. If I WANT to be mugged, it's easier to stand on a street corner and flash a couple grand in cash.
  7. He meant to say "endored". That's where you break really hard to avoid hitting an Ewok...
  8. Yes, but at the same time there's a good bit of difference between being compelled to serve in the Hitler Youth and choosing to join the Nazi Party or SS.
  9. Just got another offer for one in the mail yesterday. Went in the trash, as it always does.
  10. What insurance company was this? I've dealt with four or five in my life, and a slew of agents, and while they've all tried to pull a boatload of crap on me (like cancelling my insurance because my sister got into an accident under my father's policy, none of which had anything to do with me), they've all universally said it's the insurance company's job to get the money from the other company. I don't know who you were with, but I'd seriously suggest they were bulls--tting you.
  11. Ricky Venezuela. Nice, Latin pop-star sounding name. "I'm livin' la vida herpes!"
  12. Actually, the men said the Catholic Church ordained them as direct representatives of God, which is not entirely contradictory with the idea of being a "humble servant". And like I said...I could have been taught poorly, but what I was taught about being Catholic by members of the Catholic clergy gave me serious problems with the Church. None of which has to do with the new Pope, as 1) he's not my religious leader, and 2) much as I view the federal government, my issues with the Catholic Church are more systemic than having to do with the leadership.
  13. Clearly, you've never been a graduate student...
  14. "Actual" or not, it's hard to get around the priest saying to you "The body and blood of Christ" and responding "Amen" and accepting the Host (as I recall the ritual) not being symbolic ritual cannibalism. Not that there's anything wrong with that (it's certainly more palatable than non-symbolic cannibalism). But it is what it is...
  15. Nah. I'm a crap throwing monkey. FoxSnooze is more my fit...
  16. I should caveat that by saying that it's been nearly 20 years, and I could have been misinformed on the Church's teachings. Still...if I was being taught those teachings by the direct representatives of God, how'd they get it wrong?
  17. "He had Nazi teachers, therefore he's a Nazi." Well, golly...I had a teacher who was a card-carrying Communist in high school. I also had one that was gay and one that was institutionalized with mental illness. I guess that makes me a gay communist schizophrenic.
  18. Only if you're Catholic. Like I said, it's one of those little itty-bitty problems (along with the whole "Jews are evil and must be destroyed" speech my priest gave us one Sunday that didn't quite reconcile with the whole historical "Jesus was a Jew" datum) that caused me to leave the church. And yeah...I know "It's just one priest that said that"...but hey, if the Vatican wants me to believe he's a direct conduit to God...
  19. Karel was a 21-year old man in occupied Poland. Ratzinger was a 14-year old boy in Germany. I think there's a significant difference between the two. Or are you actually saying that a man and a boy with entirely different backgrounds should act identically?
  20. From what I recall of Catholicism...yes and no. While "God hears all prayers", the unwashed masses may NOT speak directly to him, but must go through an official and ordained representative, i.e. a Catholic priest. One of the reasons I left the church...it just struck me as funny that a bunch of old men were telling me that God's will was that I not talk to him except through them, and I was just supposed to take them at their word because God told them to tell me I should. Awful lot of circular logic there...
  21. What exactly do you consider a "Nazi"? I think calling a 14-year old kid who was drafted into the Hitlerjugend, released for the seminary, and served in the civil defense a "Nazi" is a bit of a stretch. Of course, I also think Patton had it right: membership in the Nazi party was little different than membership in the Republican or Democratic parties. Not every Nazi party member killed a Jew. And that, of course, is above and beyond the fact that Ratzinger was never actually a member of the Nazi party!!!!
  22. That's a very good point. But it's not what you originally said.
  23. That's funny...I've been with MBNA for 20 years, with never a problem. Providian, on the other hand...when trying to pay off a credit card (before internet payments), they routinely held the check past the due date, then charged a $35 late fee, then charged you $100 to cancel the card. I dumped that card 7 years ago, and I still get checks from class-action lawsuits against them.
  24. Yeah, that Naziism...just like herpes. Once you're infected, you're always diseased. I hear Germany still has a problem with 75-year old Hitler Youth who goose-step around beating Jews because they can't let go...
  25. The point was already made in one of the articles that even "mandatory" represents a choice: the Hitlerjugend or "consciencious objector" status and Dachau. But even then...we're talking about a 14-year old kid. While I have little doubt that Karel Wojtyla would have opted for the camps himself...he was also six or so years older. It's a rare 14-year old boy that can choose imprisonment and hard labor over compulsory service in a seemingly innocuous (as it was in the time and place) youth organization.
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