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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Had that happen in a pizzeria once..."My tuna sub tastes like fish!" "Uh...tuna IS a fish, ma'am." "It is?"
  2. They should. Turn your back on one, next thing you know you're being attacked by a telephone pole...
  3. Wasn't last year the year to put up or shut up? And the year before that? And next year, won't someone be saying "This is the year to put up or shut up"? Hell, when is it not the year to "put up or shut up"?
  4. But it used to be, way back when, they did so with at least a vague pretense of knowing what they were talking about. Nowadays, it's just a bunch of monkeys sitting in the trees jabbering at each other and tossing feces around. Ah, home sweet home...
  5. But now, posting as crap throwing monkey more accurately describes the general utility of this board. Everyone else acts like crap throwing monkeys here...at least I'm honest about it. What's really amusing is when people complain to the moderators "Help! I'm being picked on by a crap-throwing monkey!"
  6. As everyone (except you, apparently) knows, I am (or was) DC Tom. It's not like you've tripped over a closely held secret...
  7. Only with violence and not legally. Though anyone in DC would doubtlessly consider it justifiable homicide.
  8. You cook fingers in chili often?
  9. Debate? What !@#$ing debate???? What the hell is wrong with you? You started the thread, then disappeared, and are now bitching that we couldn't engage you in a debate??? Of course we couldn't, you crap throwing monkey...you weren't here to engage. If you want debate, shut the hell up, go back and READ the thread you started, and respond to the reasonable responses to your initial post. There were a few...
  10. You should know, after all this time here, that the posts that prompt the most views and responses are inevitably the dumbest ones...
  11. Damn that Putin for selling man-portable shoulder-launched short-ranged anti-aircraft missiles to a client with whom the Russians have a 50-year military and economic relationship with! Who in the hell does he think he is?
  12. Was the "Get a Free Finger With Every Bowl of Chili" campaign her idea?
  13. If you're so much smarter than me, then why are you the one getting into a sh---fight with a crap throwing monkey? While I was telling you how much of an idiot you are this morning, I also made an easy couple thousand trading (Forward Technologies and Google). How'd you do?
  14. Vessey should have studied his military history, particularly the Pacific in WWII. The Marines assault and take islands for the Army to garrison...
  15. Who said I own US Steel? As I said...why the hell should I share the details of my portfolio with you? And anyway, despite your incessant whining about Bush's position on steel tarriffs...US Steel's tripled since he took office. Like I keep saying...people like you are the reason people like me make money in the markets. And your rape victim analogy is crass and stupid. You weren't raped...you made a conscious decision to follow the crowd (you're probably one of those losers who rode WorldCom down into the single digits, telling yourself "It'll come back...it has to come back!"), and it bit you in the ass, and now you're trying to blame someone else for your failure, as part-owner of the company, to exercise proper oversight of your investment. I don't hold Bernie Ebbers blameless - far from it, in fact. But your being a whiny little crybaby about it isn't going to win you any sympathy. So what are you invested in now, anyway? Buggy whips? Maytag looks good today...after all, it can't go to zero...
  16. No, they were taken beacause they ignored the obvious warning signs that WorldCom was not a healthy company in favor of the smoke-and-mirrors game everyone was buying. There's a basic principle at work amongst professionals: they don't want to look stupid amongst their own kind. That creates a herd mentality where, if enough people get together and say a bad idea isn't, everyone else is compelled to go along. Thus, professionals are frequently blinded to the obvious like WorldCom was a dog**** company, or DrKoop.com raising $400M in an IPO was overpriced by a factor of maybe 100, or Enron's business model was at best a fraud no matter how much cash it claimed to generate. People who worry about looking stupid frequently do stupid things to avoid it. But you and I don't have that problem. Since I don't answer to anyone, I don't worry about looking stupid. And you seem to take a perverse pleasure in it.
  17. Since you asked (and completely off the original topic of this thread)...I'd say it's a good possibility... http://www.cnn.com/2005/EDUCATION/04/21/ac...x.ap/index.html
  18. Once the penalty's applied, they'll be plenty deterred...
  19. I told you, nutjob...mostly cash with limited exposure to steel (specifically, scrap steel recycling). But if you think I'm going to say "Well, I own 2000 share of Olympic, and 3000 in US Steel, and 50 May calls at 45 in Nucor..." you're either drunk or stupid. Or both. As for Buffett...I don't really care what he owns. He's got precisely !@#$-all to do with my finances. But hey, if you feel compelled to absolve yourself of responsibility for your bad decisions with "Well...Warren Buffett did it too!"...well, like I said, people like you are the reason people like me make money in the markets.
  20. "Goal"? You think this guy was actually trying to accomplish something, or even thought it through?
  21. I'm all cash right now, save some small holdings in the steel industry in a company you've never heard of and wouldn't know what to do with anyway. And someone who was dumb enough to believe WorldCom was undervalued shouldn't be throwing stones. I love investors like you. People like you are the reason people like me make money in the market.
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