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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Bull. Good way to stop a discussion...but bull...
  2. Unlike Gavin, TD has no soul...
  3. Friggin' thief... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=320246 I know it wasn't your fault, though. Donahoe hid the original post from you...
  4. Can we CC other Congresscritters on this memo, too? The one (the only, really) thing I like about Bush's plan is that it's at least an attempt at addressing the Social Security issue. I would love to see any alternative (other than "There is no problem with Social Security") come from the opposition.
  5. My bad, I missed that (though considering it was the first sentence of the post, I have no idea how). But anyway...Campy, you dope, what are you doing bringing the 6th Amendment into this? Don't you know it has no bearing on this discussion?
  6. Maybe that's what Delay meant: Jack McCoy's the ultimate source of the US justice system...
  7. Really? From the execution of that plan, I would have thought it was Kevin Gilbride... Of course, if Donahoe hadn't traded a 1st round pick for David Koresh...
  8. So you brought up the 6th Amendment, knowing it had no bearing on religion in government?
  9. For that matter, what's the difference between that and "freedom FROM religion"? And I said that Delay's an idiot because he introduced for consideration in Congress a bill respecting the establishment of a religious basis as the ultimate foundation of the US Justice system. And you took it off on a "Well, it is!" tangent, implying that Delay's NOT an idiot for pushing clearly and demonstrably unconstitutional legislation in violation of his oath of office.
  10. But you quoted an athiesm site, so that judgement isn't rooted in God, so it can't possibly be binding...
  11. Didn't TD set the Hinderburg on fire? I know he spiked the Jonestown Kool-Aid...
  12. Not the 6th Amendment, Article VI of the Constitution.
  13. Not even a REMOTELY satisfactory answer. Maybe you should actually read the Constitution and Bill of Rights before you go off misquoting it, as the First Amendment doesn't say "Freedom of Religion" either. What it says is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Now please, explain to me how a introducing for consideration in Congress a bill respecting the establishment of a religious basis as the ultimate foundation of the US Justice system doesn't violate the Constitutional prohibition against Congress making laws respecting the establishment of religion...
  14. And often as not, if given the option, they'd go for it rather than have him try a FG from outside the 25...
  15. Do you really think you're going to get a satisfactory answer to that?
  16. It depends. Would I serve the time during the season?
  17. Tom Donahoe's hiding Saddam's WMDs...
  18. It was TD who betrayed Michael to Hyman Roth, then framed Fredo for it. The bastard!
  19. TD threw the cup of beer at Ron Artest!
  20. Precisely. "Investigated and cleared in the field" is not the same as "Tried and found not guilty". Even the hearing they're holding, being the equivalent of a grand jury hearing, doesn't have double jeopardy attached until and unless they go to trial and do whatever the court-martial equivalent of choosing the jury is...if this hearing finds "insufficient evidence", the prosecution can go out and try to get more, and represent if they choose.
  21. Apparently he was responsible for installing the oversized napalm tanks under the wings of the remotely controlled 767s, and executing the disembarked passengers to keep them quiet.
  22. So if I start spreading the rumor that you molest little girls, that's preferable to calling you a piece of sh--?
  23. Not only that, he hid Thurman's helmet in SB XXVI...
  24. According to Peter King, TD helped the CIA orchestrate the attacks on 9/11.
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