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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Given the stifling idiocy of the American public and their near total inability to understand the nature of war, I can understand.
  2. No car in the driveway, big oil spot where it would be if you had it back from the shop... Yeah, sounds about right...
  3. You've got to give him some style points, though...he made a very good go of it...
  4. Just to expand on that...these kind of actions are very common amongst troops on what's effectively garrison duty. That's not to excuse it, just to say that's it not unique...or even uniquely American. It, like most of the other BS the media complains about (friendly fire, that Italian who was mistakenly killed, shooting surrendering combattants, collateral damage), is simply the nature of war. There's really nothing that's happened in Iraq that wasn't predictable in nature, even if not in detail...
  5. When TD returns it. Rat bastard stole our Green Couch...
  6. I promise, when you retire from posting NBF will cry for you, too...
  7. After he pisses all over the seats...
  8. A professor should be objective as a teacher, in that he should not show preference to those who agree with his opinions. The best professors I've had have held very strong opinions...but would not begrudge a contrary opinion if it were well-argued and supported. The worst I've had held equally strong opinions...and believed in "My way right or wrong, but I'm right so shut up and sit down." Objectivity in an educator is the difference between "teaching" and "indoctrination".
  9. There's really a simple reason for it: the defense's job is to defend as best they see possible. Clearly, their clot-head clients killed this girl and can't be defended on any merit they might have (which is likely none), and more likely than not they'll get a jury that overall is sympathetic to an anti-government argument, so the obvious best defense is to impeach the government. Their job isn't justice. Their job is sales.
  10. And the retard, while learning to ride, was doing 35 in a parking lot on that bike. "I'm a f'in stupid injured soldier!"
  11. True story: several years ago, the Navy started automating ships using Windows NT-based workstations. One of the first of this trial program, the USS Yorktown, was something like four hours out of Norfolk and...divide by zero error, BSOD, workstation crashes, brings down the entire propulsion plant with it. Ship's crippled and had to be towed back in to Norfolk for two days of repairs. So now Bill's idea is is to do the same thing to cars? Keep dreaming, Bill...
  12. Did you pay the membership dues yet?
  13. Yes, she is taking an active role, I'll give her credit for that. It puts her a step ahead of the "My kids won't see it because George Lucas said they shouldn't" crowd.
  14. There's something I find very disturbing about the concepts of "right" and "wrong" in this post...but I can't quite put my finger on it...
  15. Personally, I can think of worse things to base a religion on...like "You must shoot at ATF agents while I have sex with your teenage daughters" or "You must all kill yourselves so the spaceship behind the comet can take us to the next level" or "You must release Sarin gas on the Tokyo subway"...
  16. Do I need them to exercise responsibility and common sense? Letting George Lucas judge for you whether or not a movie's okay for your kids is stupid as hell. It's an abrogation of parental responsibility, not an exercise of it.
  17. (Genesis 4:14-16) In Genesis, after Cain kills Abel, God exiles him...after which he marries. At that point, according to Genesis, there's three people on the planet: Adam, Eve, and Cain. Who'd he marry? Personally, I think Genesis is a morality play, plain and simple.
  18. I completely agree with him...and with you. It seems a uniquely American thing (probably an unfortunate byproduct of the Scopes trial) to believe that because scientific explanations of the world are completely at odds with the book of Genesis, science must therefore completely deny the existence of a supreme being. That ain't necessarily so...in fact, I'd uncharitably suggest that hypothesis (or its converse: that a belief in God denies recognition of science) is simply a product of ignorant parochialism.
  19. Of course, a responsible parent would go see the movie first, then decide for themselves if it was okay for their kids. But hey...I suppose Lucas knows your kids just as well as you do...
  20. I wouldn't call it "taking an interest" so much as making sure they're not exposed to anything. Best parenting I ever saw was a guy I worked for who'd let his young kids watch a lot of stuff most people would think was inappropriate...but would go WELL out of his way to put it in a context he felt was appropriate ("This is just a movie, in real life, people don't just shoot other people for no reason and walk away like nothing happened...") His kids grew up to be MUCH more well adjusted than the children of "Oh, you can't watch Jurassic Park until you're 18...dinosaurs are scary!" parents...
  21. As someone else mentioned...I don't know why you watch it. I know why I watch it: the wife does. But others with as much or more knowledge as you on the topic have asked me "Is it worth watching?" I simply tell them it's not, because it'll drive them up the wall with its unreality...just like Law & Order does with many attorneys. And it's scary how many people DO actually think reality is like this show. I know my wife does, and worries that terrorists might actually use this season as a blueprint for attacking us. I try to tell her that we should be so lucky that they'd be so stupid...
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