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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Theoretically the Taepodong-III can hit the West Coast. That's if it works, as the third stage has a nasty habit of exploding. And if it can deliver a payload that far - just because the missile flies that far doesn't mean the missile plus payload does. And if the payload actually fuses and detonates, as that is a non-trivial task, particularly without testing...and an inert warhead is pretty friggin' useless. Other than that, North Korea's a real threat...
  2. No, this one's by Rich. You can argue successfully with him with no knowledge whatsoever...
  3. Well, after three years of watching Bledsoe go "pat-pat-pat"...how many Bills fans haven't invoked the occasional "Please, God, let him get rid of the ball!" Face it, Bills fans have been a very religious bunch ever since Wide Right.
  4. Get the hell out of here. You know too much on the subject to post here...
  5. There's more than a few Warner Brothers cartoons that you never see any more, too, because they promote violence and/or racism and/or whatever...even though, in the context of their time, they're sheer artwork. Personally...I think it's all just a little too Orwellian, editing past culture to mold present social mores. Better, I'd think, to keep such things as-is and say "This is how society WAS", rather than change them to reflect "This is what we want society to be". Unfortunately, that's only effective with smart people, and not Americans...
  6. Well...okay. Even if you are an ass sometimes...
  7. Who says they need to be taken care of to begin with? Personally, if someone is that helpless...leave them for the wolves, I say. Evolution in action...
  8. Why? Iraq's an obvious reason...so obvious it may as well be cliche. But there's got to be more to it than that...
  9. Uhhh, people...I don't think his point was "Look at me, I'm irresponsible with my Johnson!" I think his point was that the Erie County government is seriously screwed up. Though that so many people are more concerned with his penile responsibility than the bloated inefficiency and stupidity of Erie County is pretty funny. And explains to some degree how Erie County got itself into the mess its in...
  10. Though as religious discussions go, it was a very good one for a while there.
  11. So you're condemned in the afterlife to read internet posts from wholly idiotic pinheads?
  12. You'd be wrong. Look up my publications in Physics Review and Physica. They're a matter of record...in fact, I've posted some links before, under my previous user name. Peer-reviewed literature should be enough to demonstrate what I know...if you can keep from confusing such non-fiction with "fiction". Well, they start by saying "Einstein said this in this theory", when Einstein neither said that nor created any such theory, then they go on to say "But I flunked physics".
  13. Cute. "I'm not a physicist, in fact I flunked it...so I'm going to opine with pretended expertise on the subject." Well, I am a physicist. And you still demonstrably don't know what you're talking about.
  14. Thus proving you know little about Einstein, Chesterton, or Pascal.
  15. Thanks. That's what I thought...
  16. Something about that sounds kind of fishy to me... I slay me...
  17. Every theory has holes. Most "laws" are actually theories with holes (e.g. Newton's Law of Gravity). The mark of a theory is simple: it explains the universe to some degree. A good theory explains it well (e.g. Newtonian gravity). A better theory enhances a good theory without replacing it (e.g. Relativity). A bad theory doesn't explain anything (e.g. "Masses attract because God makes them"). In that respect, evolution is a pretty damned goot theory...much better than anything I've seen come out of "ID".
  18. Did you know "The Da Vinci Code" is a non-fiction work, too?
  19. Seriously...you might want to give that some hard thought, particularly in the context of how it reflects on the sharer as much as the writer...
  20. Is the image of a monkey sitting in a tree hurling crap down at a donkey throwing fish up at the monkey amusing or not?
  21. You do have a point there...
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