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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Last I checked, it freely circulates. But hey, if I ever have you over, I'll be sure to bill you for breathing "my" air...
  2. Ohhhhh...YOU'RE the reason my railroad spikes come with a "Caution: Do Not Apply To Head" warning now...
  3. That doesn't fly, not when I've gone with my wife to a sale at DSW for yet another pair of black strappy things...
  4. Don't you hate it when that happens?
  5. That also could apply to Boone dying in the plane...even if it wasn't strictly operational, it did have a working radio...
  6. Why would you say that? Have you no soul? What's wrong with you?
  7. TD made Superhero disappear...he hasn't been seen since posting in this thread on April 30th...
  8. Though some may think that gratuitous and unnecessary, I give you SERIOUS style points for the subtlety.
  9. Instead, we get the same thing from you over Bush. And it's sickening as well.
  10. Are you kidding? With all the nickels he'd be spending on his meth habit?
  11. A dream like that is the kind of thing you should discuss with your therapist. I hear Mike Mularkey is accepting new patients...
  12. Her and Paul Bernardo, as they really are a package deal. That's if he hasn't been shanked yet...
  13. I think you should post on a message board for medical advice. It's all the rage... (Call your doctor, and ask him whether you should go to the ER or not. You risk doing even more damage waiting for an appointment with an orthopedist...but the level of that risk is best estimated by you and your doctor. Also, if you haven't yet, wrap it or put a brace on it. My wife sprained her ankle several years ago, refused to wear a brace, and the ligaments were still so loose that she very promptly broke it and spent 6 weeks in a hard cast.)
  14. Well...it's Titusville. They were probably drunk and mistook it for a sheep...
  15. I don't disagree with that, and I've paid the consequences for similar actions that were necessary. But had the school used reasonable judgement FROM THE START, instead of blindly implementing a "zero tolerance" policy, we wouldn't even be discussing it. And of course, now that they have ex post facto, their policy suddenly isn't so "zero tolerance...so now they have the worst of both worlds: a strict policy that precludes the use of judgement in a situation, and a policy that suddenly isn't so strict for this exception being made. It is a !@#$ING stupid way to run a school...or anything, for that matter.
  16. As someone who's received enough calls from Kuwait to realize the difficulty of calling out, I think your characterization of "anyone who hasn't served should STFU" was unnecessarily narrow. I haven't served...but I have talked to people in Iraq who've tried for a month to find 5 minutes to pick up the phone. I think that life experience counts too...
  17. What's more, the judgement of school administrators has been replaced over the past decade (at least, maybe more) with "zero tolerance" policies. Had administration used any reasonable judgement, they'd have ascertained the situation ("kid talking to his mom half a world away in a theater of war), taken the kid to the school office, and told him "Talk to your mom here". As it is, they probably didn't have the opportunity to exercise any judgement because the school has a "zero tolerance" rule for phone calls. BTW, some phone company (Nextel, I think), set up a phone network in Iraq very early on and arranged things so servicemen had free and easy access to calls back to the US...making calls out still isn't a picnic, but it's not as difficult as it usually is, as you related in an earlier post.
  18. I still vividly remember the coverage of Kristen French's disappearence. How the HELL is Homolka being allowed to walk the streets? CrimeLibrary.com has a good article of Bernardo and Homolka... http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers...x_1.html?sect=5
  19. Why bother? I've been told repeatedly on this board by people who've never even left East Butt!@#$, Montana, that everything I'm told by people actually IN Iraq is completely wrong...
  20. And I meant -2, thanks for the correction.
  21. Oh, come on. It's not like he cries over professional wrestlers or anything...
  22. How does a pinhead like Bush get reelected to a second term? Because he runs against an even bigger moron like Kerry...
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