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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Yeah...great news outlets we have here...it's only hit Reuters in the past half-hour or so.
  2. But you said it was the "liberalization of society" that has made this commonplace. Now, near as I can tell, you're saying it's strictly a result of an individual exercising his free will. Which is it, a societal or individual problem?
  3. In other words...it's the '60's hippie liberals' fault these girls are dead?
  4. Did al-Jazeera have anything to say on the attempt on Bush's life today? Because the American media's not exactly clamoring over it... (Though in all honesty, it doesn't look like all that much of an attempt anyway...)
  5. Of course you do, you friggin' leprechaun...
  6. You're just one for the obscure good movie quotes these days, aren't you? "Hey Laslo, want to see a demonstration of gravity?" As for the actual subject of this thread...eh. So what? Homolka's getting out, some sh--head spikes his seven month old baby for crying, this bozo stabs his two daughters, six people shot in a house in CA...people are animals, I'm numb to it by now...
  7. Since no one's chimed in with a knee-jerk reaction yet, let me be the first... "Ah, more kickbacks for Cheney's oil cronies..." There. Now we know the thread's about Halliburton...
  8. Can we just get rid of Indiana all together? Between Artest, BF, the Fighting Irish, and the Colts choking every year, it's really just a great big headache.
  9. When's the last time you got a loan or a credit card without a credit check? Credit card companies monitor people's ability to handle their debt ALL THE TIME. Then they ignore what they find, and send $24000 in balance transfer checks to someone with an $8k limit, as Providian used to do...
  10. Professional HALO jumpers (SAS, for example) can jump from higher than 30k, I believe (I recall hearing as high as 40k). I can confirm it when I get home.
  11. Actually, you can jump from a plane at 30k feet - or higher - IF you're properly equipped (O2 bottle, for example). I seriously doubt, however, that even the best parachutist in the world could jump from a plane and land on the summit of Everest. Is the north side the easier side? I don't recall...
  12. I hope he's got the good sense to coach the first game in a thong... "You said I couldn't wear a suit. You didn't say anything about a thong..."
  13. The following is very important: WEAR THE AIR CAST. Not wearing it is what broke my wife's ankle. And I still give her crap about it...but I am, after all, a...well, you know...
  14. Isn't Everest's base camp at about 18k feet or something? That's a vertical hike equivalent to climbing Mt. McKinley...and even discounting the difficulty of the climb, McKinley's not exactly easy. Most people, unused to heights, start to feel it around 12k-14k feet...at 20k is where your average person seriously risks passing out. Everest's base camp certainly isn't anything to scoff at...though the scenery must be spectacular.
  15. "Just once, I would like to hear you scream in pain..." "Play some rap music."
  16. But they're letting a serial murderer like Homolka out...why would they even convict a vigilante? I know, I know...to complete the circle of tragic irony...
  17. No, that's why Milo crossed the road... Wonder who else got the reference?
  18. And there's probably not a court in the land that would convict you, either...
  19. Not enough information to judge. Now, if you didn't let them smoke in bars, THEN you'd be a lesbian...
  20. Yeah, but you're the only one that's hostile and a closet gay. At least, that's what Bill told me...
  21. You can meet some interesting people at the psych ward at GW Hospital, too. Doesn't mean I want to be committed.
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