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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. It's only a list of "recommendations". It doesn't necessarily represent the actual closings, so there's still a chance Thune and Simmons could keep their word. I'm mildly surprised they'd close New London, too...aren't there still some two divisions of attack boats operating out of there?
  2. So it's funny for the disabled to butcher a halftime show, but heroic when they butcher the national anthem?
  3. But you're a horrible human being who sucks, blows, and is an idiot anyway.
  4. Ooh! Ooh! I have one! How about "Bush is bad, I have a plan."? A national defense strategy so effective it's guaranteed to almost get you elected president...
  5. Let's review... I don't see a single original thought in there. First... I'm "captured by the machine"? Physician, heal thyself. Second...that's why I think you're an idiot. You parrot, and nothing else.
  6. Schroedinger developed his quantum theory when he was 35. I HIGHLY doubt they awarded him the Nobel Prize 14 years previous to that. You're probably thinking of Pauli or Heisenberg or one of the other founders of quantum physics. They all made their discoveries in their early 20's. And they don't nearly get enough credit for it; Shroedinger usually gets more credit than he deserves, as his theory really wasn't that good and held progress in physics back about 30 years. Really, Pauli, Dirac, Heisenberg, et al. were pretty much screwed by Schroedinger... ...who, I'm sure, was somehow backed up by the evil, soulless Tom Donahoe, the rat bastard. TD set back physics 30 friggin' years!
  7. And they're probably not his Underoos, either...
  8. Let's make one thing clear: I have read your posts, and I think you're a friggin' fool. So I am NOT your friend, and if any of your partisan knee-jerk reactionism happens to agree with an opinion of mine, I consider completely accidental and representative of precisely nothing important.
  9. The hell with that. Who made the friggin' government the arbiter of family values to begin with.
  10. Interesting definition of "major"...
  11. I don't have predictions. Know why? Because I'm not stupid enough to think the economy's predictable. Which makes me smarter than most Nobel laureate economists...
  12. We tried once scaling down that 55-gallon recipe to enough for a single pizza. Surprisingly, it didn't work. My advice would be to locate a decent tomato sauce recipe using the same ingredients, then start experimenting with amounts.
  13. "Ask five economists a question and you'll get five different answers - six if one went to Harvard." Though what really convinced me that most economists were generally useless was the realization that any economist that actually knew something about the economy would be wealthy many times over and retired by now. By definition, since an economist with a clue should rightfully be a "former economist", it follows that a practicing economist probably doesn't have much of a clue.
  14. TD squeezed the Charmin, that bastard...
  15. I don't throw fish, however. Ask the friggin' donkey...
  16. What's even the point of this whole thread? "Al Jazeera is a disgrace"? By what standards, American ones? Well, guess what...it's a friggin' ARAB station. Precisely who is al Jazeera supposed to be disgracing here, and how?
  17. Agents, players, and the other team. I'd say that if no other team has announced an 11am PC for a "major event" tomorrow, it's probably not a trade...
  18. No one's mentioned "Money For Nothing" by Dire Straits yet? Still one of my favorites by far. Metallica's "Enter Sandman" is also a very good one.
  19. Tomato paste Vegetable oil Water Salt Sugar Oregano Garlic powder But don't ask me the relative ratios of each. I've never seen it made in amounts smaller than 55 gallons...
  20. But you'd beat the crap out of them if they threw a cup at you?
  21. What the hell is that BS article? That goofball knows less about the subject on which he opines than most of the people here know about it...
  22. Wait a minute...that's logic! What's that doing in this discussion?
  23. You are aware that domeone did axe Dahmer, of course...?
  24. Actually, the incidence of quite a few of those has been relatively constant since the '30s (drug use, vicious dogs, rude children, even school killings and workplace shootings). The prevalence of media coverage was vastly different, however. For the most part, though, there's always been sick and stupid people willing to do sick and stupid things...
  25. "Website". You're really off on your spelling today. Are you channelling VABills or something?
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