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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Those aren't from last night, are they? Because I'm missing a cat. I'd naturally assumed Donahoe took it, of course, but...
  2. TD made Alaska Darin choose the "Die, Kitty!" avatar. The heartless bastard!
  3. While I'd normally agree with you, the idea that restricting the press's ability to lie constitutes unwarranted trampling of their rights doesn't quite sit well with me...
  4. Of course. Whereas Newsweek has clearly demonstrated itself to be fiction now, American Idol is "reality TV". Which do you think is more important, fiction or reality?
  5. How can you feel validated, when both common sense and history dictate that you're wrong Darin. Your "ideology" and stubborn conservatism, won't allow you to see any farther than your entrenched position. Take a minute and take the blinders off, open your mind I know you're not as bitter as you appear.
  6. "We work two jobs, we're never home, the schools have to take some responsibility for our children's upbringing...." "...but you disciplined my child? How dare you! You're not responsible for my child's upbringing!"
  7. The retraction's not going to make one damned bit of difference, either. It's not like the Islamic world is going to read it and say "Oh...we were wrong, we're sorry. Carry on." And I'm sure the irony of the Afghanistanis rioting over the loss of a single copy of a widely printed book when they destroyed two literally irreplacable religious icons themselves back in '99-'00 is lost on precisely everyone.
  8. I knew a kid when I was growing up that was never disciplined at all by his parents. "Kids will be kids." "Oh, if we yell at him, it'll just hurt his self-esteem." "He's a little angel, he never does anything wrong." Well...last I heard, after a teenage career of petty burglary and arson, he's doing a 10-year stretch in Florida on felony drug charges. But he's still a little angel, I'm sure...
  9. So slip some Xanax in her beer. Sheesh...
  10. It's probably afraid it'll miss the answer to a homework question if it does...
  11. Actually, it's Gepqh. The "q", of course, being silent.
  12. Awww, nuts. Forgot to specify that...and she's dragging me out of state to a wedding in November...
  13. And u speeled "Geoff" rong...
  14. So marry someone who likes football.
  15. When I was a kid, not only would my mouth have been taped shut, my father would have beat the living crap out of me when I got home for making it necessary. God forbid we should punish the little darlings in any way; they never do anything wrong... In other news...I heard this morning that crystal meth use is up something like 50% in the past 12 months. I'm sure that's only coincidental...
  16. $300? Seriously? I was considering getting a dish this season. For $300...the hell with it.
  17. Yep. I live precisely where DC Tom lives. We share a lot of the same life experiences, as a matter of fact...
  18. It's not that good anyway. The ending was very predictable...
  19. You speeled "speeled" wrong...
  20. I just want to gloat and say that I already saw it at the charity viewing they had in DC last week...
  21. But it's not uncommon for some to post their thoughts every 10 seconds and make the rest of us wish for death as an escape...
  22. For that matter, hyenas aren't really considered "big" hunters, traditionally. Baboons are very good to, if rather malicious about it. And, believe it or not, Argentinian wild boars are supposed to be very successful hunters...not just in their success rate, but in the size of their kills. They're supposed to be a big problem for cattle ranchers in Patagonia. And at this point, I'd dispute the idea that man's an exceptional hunter. How many people do you honestly think could survive having to hunt and kill their own meals these days?
  23. It's hard to believe this is a story. I know Limbaugh's an ignorant ass, and I've seen what passes for "history" in high schools these days. Watching a debate between these two would be like...well, frankly, like watching two crap-throwing monkeys...
  24. Honestly...I have no idea. I've never found out what they called that pitch. I would guess that, along the lines of a hit that hits an obstacle still being in play, a pitch that hits a bird and doesn't make it through the strike zone would be a ball...but again, I'm just guessing. Does anyone actually know?
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