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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Because we've already eliminated fellatio from the Oval Office. Prosperity is sure to follow...
  2. Why do you have a "Dead Cats" avatar? I bet there are millions of cat owners offended by this.
  3. If would be far more laughable if there wasn't constitutional precedent for it. Ever notice that certain things require more than a simple majority? I just think that the fillibuster rules should be changed to disallow this "virtual fillibuster" crap. You want to fillibuster? Fine, get up there and read from the phone book for 12 hours. You shouldn't be able to just declare "Fillibuster!" and walk away...
  4. Just checking...but you do know that this is about Gitmo, and not Abu Ghraib, right?
  5. Judging by the relative positions and write-ups for Dallas and Buffalo, ESPN determined their relative and absolute positions based on one thing: Drew Bledsoe. Which is beyond stupid, beyond !@#$ing stupid, even beyond Paris Hilton stupid, and into Joe Theisman territory...
  6. No, TD stole Gavin's soul. TD also forced ESPN to rank the Bills #19 on their power rankings.
  7. Don't forget, though, that Maddox was the starter for Pittsburgh before he got hurt and Rothlesberger took over. They had a lot of depth at a lot of other positions, too. Pittsburgh's "scrubs" weren't exactly scrubs last year...
  8. And Gavin has no soul and needs to find the Lord...
  9. Was he actually at Los Alamos, or somewhere else? The Manhattan Project was a big project with lots of sites nation-wide, and it was not the least bit uncommon for people outside Los Alamos to not be told and not know what the hell they were working on...which led to some interesting near-events, like Oak Ridge nearly going critical because they didn't know how to store (or even that they were storing) enriched uranium.
  10. Rich, I only mention this because I care: rubber cement is NOT an afternoon snack.
  11. Two words: Klaus Fuchs. Stalin knew more about the Manhattan Project than Truman did. But hey..."no leaks"...
  12. I don't disagree on the idea of censorship...but the flip-side of that argument I keep hearing implies that freedom of the press carries with it freedom from any responsibility for their reporting. I don't want to see the press censored...but I do want to see the press held officially culpable for egregiously irresponsible reporting (particularly when a story KILLS people).
  13. Let's see...I said that trying nothing is what we did for eight years, which led to 9/11. You bring up the Soviet-Afghan war. And I'm supposed to say what, precisely? "Yeah, I can see how the Reagan administration's overt support of the Afghan Mujahadeen against the Soviets during the Cold War relates directly to Clinton's failure to engage in any way any of the parties that were instrumental in forming the Talebanic Afghan government in the '90s." What is it that you're trying to say...that there's some sort of commonality between Reagan's support of fundamentalist Islam and Clinton's "We're done using you; we don't give two ***** about Southwest Asia." foreign policy?
  14. That doesn't preclude the use of common sense, however, in seeing the blisteringly obvious: that parents who complain that schools don't do a good job of raising their kids that also complain when schools try to discipline their kids are sh------- !@#$ing parents. Irresponsibility is irresponsibility, and you don't have to struggle with making your kids eat their peas or the deep philosophical issues of the legality of downloading movies to see it.
  15. I can appreciate satire, even if it's very dark and tasteless, if it's funny. Unfortunately, this wasn't. Your topic title, "Lion Mangles 42 Midgets in Cambodia", was funnier.
  16. I almost want to say that that sells Thomas Smith short. The only real knock against him I've ever heard is that "hands of stone" line. Sure, he couldn't catch a cold...but no one he covered was going to catch one, either. Interceptions aren't the sum total of a CB's play...nor do I personally think they're even the biggest one. And Smith was a pretty damn good cover corner. I might - might - rank him as better than Clements or Odomes. Not Winfield (and clearly, from that statement, I'd rank Winfield #1.)
  17. And God willing, I never will. I once watched a woman attempt to try on three shoes simultaneously. I could see the wheels turning in her head as this otherwise smart woman tried to figure out how to put three shoes on two feet. That's the last time I ever went shopping with a woman.
  18. Don't tell me, I agree with you (save the "beating your kids" part. I think an occasional good beating is a healthy thing). Though it used to be that if a kid needed discipline at school, the school was empowered to discipline the kid. Now...too many parents are too willing to push off that responsibility to the schools, while simultaneously criticizing the school for taking the responsibility. That really just proves how backwards our society is, where everyone has to be licensed by the government to drive a motor vehicle...but any two morons with working and compatible reproductive organs can try to raise a responsible human being on a whim...
  19. And saying "they ignored the transition team" isn't?
  20. GW Bush? A lump of clay? I wouldn't even give him that much credit. More like mud.
  21. I don't believe that BS story for a half-second. More likely, given that unconscionably stupid pinhead Clarke was part of the transition team, they didn't provide anything worth listening to anyway. The fact is, if Clarke had been doing HIS job in Clinton's second term, there probably wouldn't even be any need to discuss the transition.
  22. Probably irrepairable too. Even if Newsweek somehow went to every single Muslim and told them "the story's false, we screwed up, it never happened, we're sorry", people'd STILL forget the apology and remember the story. And when the Islamic world calls for an investigation into the story, and the US response is "There's nothing to investigate, Newsweek admitted the story's fabricated", all anyone will remember is "The US refused to investigate the allegations." Were I in Scott McClellan's postion, if Newsweek has a White House press pass, I'd be making serious noise about pulling it. Unconscionably stupid bush-league mistake on their part, at least as bad as anything Rather was ever blamed for.
  23. Interesting article in the NYT Magazine last year on trends in baby names. The link here's provided for copyright reasons, and the NYT of course requires logging in...but if you search on the title "Where Have All the Lisas Gone" (by Peggy Orenstein) you might be able to find another copy. NYT link
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