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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. That was on media bias? I thought it was about Clinton...
  2. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=339615 Looks like an absolute to me.
  3. Actually, delays in getting episodes into the can are often caused by post-production problems (or injuries to the stars that preclude filming, which is ultimately what killed Moonlighting prematurely.) And given the complexity of the show (specifically, I'm thinking what must go into the editing, mixing the current with the back story in ways that give little away) and the live music, post-production must be a B word.
  4. And he was roundly labelled as nuts. Ain't that a kick in the teeth? Our leaders are either hypocrites, or insane. And we choose these people...
  5. Was TD the evil bastard that was ribbing you, of that socially promoted you.
  6. Ever read Starship Troopers? I think JSP doesn't quite get Heinlein's point in the book...but you should read it if you haven't. It's very good, if not his best work then certainly in the top 3.
  7. The short version is: Clinton nominated Paez to the 9th Circuit, Trent Lott got whiny and fillibustered, Barbara Boxer went into overbearing harpy mode and blocked every single thing Lott brought to the Senate until he relented and lifted the fillibuster, a bunch of crybaby Republicans mutinied and tried to keep the fillibuster going, and lost. That, at least, is the story as I can discern it from relatively unbiased sources. Obviously biased sources (commondreams.org, for example) add details such as Frist was in (or led) the mini-mutiny, and a bunch of other stuff I discount as unconfirmed by a truly reliable source. But basically...this current Charlie Fox is just business as usual: party leadership being party leadership the only way they can, by being two-faced. And we elect them...
  8. I still say stick the whiny little dope on IR or the PUP for the year (too bad they don't have a mentally unable to perform list), pay out his contract, and really screw him over in free agency for not having played a down in a season and a half. But then, I'm a vindictive little crap-throwing monkey...
  9. I love the Cards...just because no matter how screwed up the Bills organization gets, we're not them.
  10. I don't have to answer that, because RkFast told me you're un-American because a school in Seattle banned military recruiters...
  11. There's an aesthetic issue with building them taller, too: namely, that they tower so high over everything else they make the skyline look very unbalanced, even ugly. There was one plan I recall that had four 80-story towers on the site that would have made for a very pleasant skyline, a good deal of office space (more than the original WTC, from what I understand), and a good amount of open area besides. Naturally, since that design made a lot of sense, they chose something else...
  12. I still say the best monument to 9/11 is to rebuild useful space on the spot, rather than turn it into some maudlin 60-acre park-cum-statues and send the message that whatever people knock down, we'll leave knocked down. A memorial to the victims, however...that's another thing. Personally, I favor the idea of an outdoor atrium central to the rebuilt buildings with granite-sheathed walls with the name of each victim of 9/11 engraved into it, like the Vietnam Memorial. In the center of the atrium, a bronze statue of the well-known picture of the firemen raising the flag. They'd never do it, though, because it would offend someone, somewhere. Probably a handful of Vietnam Vets who think they own the very concept of engraved granite since their memorial went up, and three families of victims who think building anything on that site is a cardinal sin.
  13. Conveniently ignoring the fact that RIAA doesn't want money, they want control. And control costs much more than $5/month...particularly when you lose it.
  14. The rational dislocation of the discussion in this thread is kind of like watching people argue whether apples are blue or rectangular...
  15. And by "team", you of course mean "Bledsoe".
  16. TD is in the ending to the Sith. Hell, TD IS the Sith...
  17. Well, then next time someone asks you to clarify a point so they can discuss something with you, don't rip their !@#$ing head off, you idiot.
  18. Literally, you're right. But technically, "consent of the Senate" could very easily and correctly interpreted as a simple majority. Of course, you could challenge in court any of the approvals on the grounds that only "advice and consent" is required of the Senate...but given that that deliberately vague phrase is also backed up by a couple centuries of legal precedent...you'd lose. The phrase is purposely vague and has been interpreted to mean for 200 years: majority approval by the Senate, strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution notwithstanding (and how the hell can you have a "strict constructionist interpretation" of a phrase as purposefully vague as "advice and consent", anyway?) The rest of your observations were very good. I don't necessarily agree with them, but they're very good.
  19. Dumbass. I was honestly inquiring whether or not you were confusing Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, as it wasn't clear if you were confusing the two or using Abu Ghraib as an analogy. So don't jump down my !@#$ing throat and B word about ad hominem attacks because I politely ask you to clarify a point so I can make a reasonable attempt at responding to it. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. If she's still ugly when you wake up, you didn't drink enough...
  21. I don't mind it. If they restored it to a literal fillibuster, it would at least keep things entertaining, like the three-drink minimum in the British House of Commons. And let's face it...having senators blather from the phone book is probably a more productive use of their time than most of the political masturbation they indulge in...
  22. Under the desk in the Oval Office. Not that I've ever BEEN in that position...but I'm pretty sure it would be horrible.
  23. Be nice. Let's at least let him clarify whether it was an honest mistake or stupid analogy before we crucify him for being stupid...
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