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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. This just in: Greenpeace is biased towards environmental issues...
  2. Clearly, you haven't read the Koran...
  3. No, no, no..."Allah" decides what will happen; the suicide bombers are merely instruments of "Allah's will". Ergo, if a suicide bomber blows up a mosque...it was preordained by Allah, as the bomber was merely a servant of Allah, and therefore Allah has desecrated his own words, which really isn't desecration as it's Allah's own actions. When WE do it, however...we aren't servants of Allah, therefore the desecration really IS desecration. And I think it's a simple matter to see how, from that, it easily follows that when we desecrate the Koran the faithful serveants of Allah must go out and as instruments of His will kill other faithful servants of Allah, but when Allah himself desecrates his own words, the faithful must burn Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises. In fact, that's so obvious I don't even see the need to explain it...
  4. It doesn't matter. THOSE desecrations were the "will of Allah"...
  5. That was actually lamer than my attempt at humor...
  6. Don't then, you'll burst a major artery. This makes the McDonalds coffee lawsuit look reasonable.
  7. Has DeLay yet chimed in about the activist Canadian judges that want to pass new laws from the bench governing the awarding of MVP honors in junior league hockey? And I'm sure Halliburton wants to ruin the fragile ice rink ecosystem by drilling for oil underneath...
  8. So invading a terrorism-supporting nation with a history of WMD procurement and aggression against its neighbors is bad...but invading Canada for the purposes of tort reform is acceptable? Okay, got it...
  9. Not only that, but his compositional skills are phenomenal. "Manhattan" off Venus Isle is one of the best compositions I've ever heard (right up there with Hendrix's best stuff). There's a few out there who are technically better than Johnson...but no better composers with the guitar that I've ever heard.
  10. Got it from someone else, never bothered to check into it...mostly because I'm so amused by the phrase "At night, the ice weasels come". Thanks for the tip, though...it's off my list now.
  11. Last I checked, Bush doesn't have the authority to do anything about frivolous lawsuits IN CANADA!!! But hey, don't let that stop you...I'm sure it's his fault anyway...
  12. Well...that whole al-Qaeda-KFC link is little known, but well documented. In fact, their famous slogan "finger lickin' good" is a paraphrasing of a statement Colonel Sanders - then a Major in the Afghani mujahadeen - was heard to make: "Allahu akhbar, this roasted goat is tasty enough to lick off of my fingers!"
  13. I'd wager to most of the public he's neither...but the key here is that he's a hero to the press (not without reason, I might add), and therefore will be portrayed as such.
  14. I've got dozens... Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. - Nietchze Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language and forthwith it is something entirely different. - Goethe The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents. - Nathaniel Borenstein "The naked truth about me is to the naked truth of Salvador Dali as an old ukelele in the attic is to a piano in a tree, and I mean a piano with breasts." -James Thurber Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
  15. Actually, I don't think you can do either as an official government representative. As a private citizen...go out, buy yourself a Koran, and get flushing. Have a ball.
  16. Yeah, well...Bush is an illiterate idiot. We all knew that. And honestly...I'd wager a good portion of the American public doesn't know the word "dissemble", anyway. It's not an exceptional mistake like "nukyooler" or "subliminable", merely a normal everyday American one.
  17. Which is why you're a crazy nonsensical overzealous parent, you loon. Great idea. Make it a federal issue, because the feds get things done... In the meantime, this idiot's "taught himself" computers and the law...and THIS is how he uses that knowledge? This guy has a seriously whacked sense of priotities...
  18. Where's Prince, for that matter? Not that I like his music (though I will admit, Purple Rain has aged like a fine wine). But he is a very good guitar player, certainly better than The Edge...
  19. Most of them. Save his unfortunate techno-experiment from a few years ago (I give him points for being willing to experiment, but the album sucked), I can't think of a Satriani album that doesn't begin strong.
  20. A whole 120 people nationwide? What, they couldn't find 120 people in SF to whack off?
  21. bull sh--. They call Gitmo the 'gulag of our time'...which indicates that 1) they know nothing about the gulags, and 2) they know nothing about Gitmo. And because they have high and lofty ideals, they are somehow able to write an authoratitive report on Gitmo, having never visited it I'm sure, comparing it to the gulags, having never visited them either I'd wager. But they know, better than most, how the world works? Hell with that, they don't even know how to research their own !@#$ing reports.
  22. Yeah, right...neither Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Tom Scholz, nor Steve Vai make the top 100...but Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac is #38, Joan Jett (?????) is #87, and The Edge ("Look at me! I can play an open fifth! Now a fourth! Now a fifth again!") is ranked above Eddie Van Halen, David Gilmour, Vernon Reid, and Brian May. What the sh--? Did they just write down names in the order in which they picked them out of a hat? Beause they sure as hell didn't put any meaningful thought into it...
  23. At least it's not Rob Johnson's infamous injury report which essentially had him listed with a sprained ass.
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