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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. And Beausox to host the Oprah Winfrey show...
  2. That made perfect sense to me. But then, I AM mentally ill...
  3. At the very least, he gets points for clearing the brush off his ranch himself. I can't picture Kerry having any definition of yard work any more strenuous than paying the immigrant laborers... Let's face facts, the last American politician who wasn't an pampered, effete pansy was probably Teddy Roosevelt. How many other presidents went on months-long African safari?
  4. Now this is just getting disturbing... I just want to confirm for the reading public that, despite being all nice and agreeable to each other in this thread, BF and I still loathe each other to the point of physical illness...
  5. I agree with you on the gay marriage issue (the federal government should stay out of it). But the issue of marijuana's nowhere NEAR as clear-cut; there's a long precedent of the federal government staying out of civil law (i.e. marriage), and an equally long one of being involved in the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances (e.g. the Whiskey Rebellion, although less about whiskey than taxation, still began to establish federal authority over controlled substances). So they're fundamentally two different things: on one hand (gay marriage), you're saying you support 200 years of precedent. On the other (drug laws), you're against 200 years of precedent. In other words...swing and a miss. Or a foul tip at best.
  6. Fine by me. But if you drag Ron Artest into this discussion, I'll knock you into next week and kick your ass on Tuesday.
  7. You're going to be a complete !@#$ing idiot in this thread again, like the movie downloading one, aren't you?
  8. "Assume control of their benefits"? That's just f'in scary. First thing I thought of when I read that is the old Nazi trick of "paying" the concentration camp inmates for their work...with the money going straight to the SS, since that's who owned the inmates. (Yeah, I know it's a grossly warped and unfair comparison. But it's still the first thing that came to me.)
  9. IF so, then... Was probably misplaced, dontcha think? When it comes to the legality of medical marijuana, I'd probably be inclined to agree with you (particularly in hospice situations, where I've sadly watched marijuana be a big help). But good luck trying to amend the law to include that exemption: either you have to argue it's truly medical, and the FDA gets involved (and probably a few drug companies, and three years and a billion dollars later you have a bunch of pills containing the active ingredients of pot on the market at $1.50 a pop, but pot itself is still illegal), or you argue it's homeopathic or "herbal" in which case no one regulates it...which as a practical matter means you've made it completely legal for all uses, which no one's going for either. Medical marijuana, for better or worse, will remain illegal for quite some time.
  10. None. News reports today said they all brown-bagged it. (Why the news seems to think that the jurors' lunches are important is beyond me. Why I was listening to the report...well, normally I wouldn't, but I was waiting for a traffic report.)
  11. No, we don't. It's called "Bread and Circuses"...or, in these times, "HotPockets and American Idol".
  12. Can we tell this joke another couple dozen times? I can't read it enough...
  13. Actually, that's not even REMOTELY the intent of the Supremes in their ruling. All they said is that, since under federal law pot is illegal, it is outside the state's scope of powers too make any law that countermands the federal law. The Supreme Court isn't telling people they can't smoke pot for medicinal purposes, they're telling the states that they can't supercede federal law. It's the federal law that tells people they can't smoke pot without exception...and that's Congress' (and maybe the White House's; I don't know the history of the legislation) fault.
  14. Last I checked, it's entirely possible that they're both idiots, as one person's stupidity does not preclude another's. For example, your insipid, moronic post here does not in any way imply that Rich in Ohio's posts are not insipid and moronic themselves...
  15. No, I understand it, and understand what the Army's trying to do with it. But it's still a friggin' stupid marketing slogan.
  16. No, you must be wrong. It HAS to be activist liberal judges at work...
  17. TD is, more than any other person, responsible for the demise of the 5 1/4" floppy disk.
  18. Thanks. Though I don't usually go for memoirs, I've seen it and it's intrigued me (though I've avoided it because the title made it seem like sensationalized anti-war crap worthy of the friggin' Guardian...and I've got something like a dozen books in the "to read" stack as it is). I'll check it out on your say-so, particularly if the 1st Recon guys say it's accurate.
  19. Antibiotics don't target viruses, that is true. Another thing others mentioned here: fluids. Stay well hydrated, it keeps the crap in your lungs from getting too thick and makes it easier to cough it out. "Easier" being a relative term, of course.
  20. An ex-girlfriend - a Marine, no less - got some sort of ribbon for cleaning out the office refrigerator. As SD Jarhead says, the Marines don't do that as a general rule...but apparently, if your CO is a total lameass who thinks kitchen maintenance is meritorious, it can happen.
  21. Rest. And antibiotics. And hope the bug isn't antibiotic-resistant. Other than that... What kind of pneumonia is it? Viral, bacterial, or mycoplasma ("walking" pneumonia - a term I hate). I had mycoplasma pneumonia last October, it sucked, to put it bluntly...and that's the mild kind...
  22. More fortunate Vasilevsky and Shaposhnikov were still alive. Zhukov was a poser. And more fortunate still that the Russian people bought all that "Defend The Motherland" crap from a Georgian like Iosef Jughashvili. Never quite understood that, how a bunch of Ukranian kulaks exiled to Siberia bought into Russian nationalism as preached by a Georgian...
  23. Best numbers I've seen (from reliable sources - PM me, I'll give you the list), put it in the 30-45 million range - but which portion of that is Stalin's direct responsibility, which is the Nazis', and which is arguably shared is indeterminate, at best. And though JSP's observations are correct, that still doesn't change the fact that the Western Allies never faced more than 30-35% of the German army. And even aside from all that...61 years and 2 days ago, Rome fell. In one week, it'll be 61 years since the Army and Marines hit the beaches on Saipan - an invasion as big and complex as Normandy with consequences as important if not moreso than Normandy's. 61 years ago this June 22, the siege of Imphal was lifted, which cost the Japanese an entire army and the initiative in the CBI theater. June 22nd is also the 61st anniversary of Operation Bagration, where the Russians utterly annihilated an entire German Army Group and eliminated more divisions from the German Army than the Western Allies even faced. But let's all pretend that D-Day is the end-all and be-all of the war. How many Americans even know about the fall of Rome, the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, the Indians at Kohima-Imphal, or The Destruction of Army Group Center? We are a seriously ignorant !@#$ing country.
  24. TD is actually the salt monster from Episode 4: "The Man Trap".
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