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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. It does if your hangovers are the "three days of projectile vomiting" type.
  2. Don't listen to a word he says. He's just a gardener.
  3. Which itself shows just how simple it's not. You don't just etch a silicon chip like you would a $2 transistor and stick it in a bullet. You design a whole new plant to implement a whole new process to make a chip that costs as much as a house...and probably still breaks 30% of the time anyway...
  4. And the technical issues: tiny computer chips embedded in hunks of metal that undergo severe shocks and accellerations. Tiny computer chips do not handle those kinds of stresses all that well. Want to embed chips in bullets. Go ahead...but to disable the chips, all you're going to have to do is fire the damned bullets, which kind of defeats the purpose...
  5. I was thinking manufacturing...but that wasn't my point anyway. My point was that the problems with gun violence/abortion are far beyond the issues of the availability of guns/abortions...but in each case, the "anti-" party's solution is the same: treat the symptom by outlawing guns/abortion, and pretend that it will, through some sympathetic voodoo magic, cure the actual problem (crime/unwanted pregnancies). And then each party pretends that they're somehow the better party for actually caring about solving the problem and portarys the other as some slavering bloodlustful group of thoughtless savages...when the truth is, neither one can analyse an issue beyond the most blatant surface symptoms (guns/abortions). It wasn't my intent to equate guns to abortions. It WAS my intent to show, very concisely and clearly, that each party pulls the exact same bull sh--. They just choose different issues to pull it on.
  6. That, in this case, is a bit of a misconception. Sure Jacko's team has been playing the "media sympathy" card for all they can...but the facts are (and I have been following the case - and discussing it with my sister the defense attorney - since the prosecution started !@#$ing it up so comically) that the prosecution chose to put on a shaky case with accusers they knew were impeachable, presented in front of a judge who blatantly allows them to commit prejudicial error (and himself probably commits reversible error) that will almost certainly cause an appellate court to declare a mistrial. Even if Jacko's team hadn't been playing the media game, this case is FUBAR'd well beyond anything they could have done. Jackson will ultimately get off not because he's rich, but because the court and prosecution have been ungodly stupid throughout this whole process.
  7. Are there any more effective nausea inducing posts than beausox's?
  8. Dear Liberals, Do you really believe that outlawing guns will solve the gun violence problem? Well, whaddaya know...it works both ways... It's not like either side of the aisle is immune from the "let's stick our heads in the sand and hope it goes away" attitude towards issues. The only real difference is the windmills at which they wish to tilt.
  9. Separate bathrooms. Seriously. Having to share a bathroom is a killer. Get separate ones, and each is responsible for cleaning their own. In the case of me and my wife, we have separate bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms (basically, we share cats and a kitchen. And a maid.). Takes a lot of strain out of the relationship (particularly the maid) and makes our time together much more enjoyable. My sister and her fiancee have separate continents - according to them, that's even better than our arrangement... Separate bathrooms, though, are the real key to cohabitation happiness...
  10. But that's less about the size of Hillary's, and more about the relative paucity of the Senate's...
  11. "Good guess"? Have you READ Tennyson's earliest manuscripts? Where do you think Morrison got it from? Of course, he had to change the words some when Tennyson's estate threatened to sue him with copyright violations...
  12. It's one of Alfred Lord Tennyson's earliest unpublished poems...
  13. Hey, look...you wrote something coherent!
  14. Because "Pass the beausox" is too hard to say when you're stoned...
  15. You should try applying some of that outside of work...
  16. Considering the owners were losing less money when they weren't playing than when they were (financially, the Washington Capitals organization had their best year in about a decade last "season"), the players didn't have a hell of a lot of leverage to bargain with.
  17. Because every time he tries to wrap his mind around it, it causes excruciating pain?
  18. Except from the neck up. Sheesh...she looks like Slash from GnR...
  19. He can't even engage you in a verbal duel. None of us can. You never make any sense.
  20. Then try it, see what you think. There IS a difference between living in an established village Africa and walking hundreds of miles on foot in the pursuit of deadly game. As for San Juan...I won't dispute TR was a shameless self-promoter, what politician isn't? But yes, the charge up San Juan hill was unmounted (the entire charge, the famous painting notwithstanding); the invasion of Cuba was so poorly organized, it seems the calvary shipped without horses. And lest I forget, there's also that little incident where TR was campaigning (for his third term as president, I believe), and was shot in the chest just before a speech. He walked on stage, gave the speech (the text of which, being carried in his breast pocket, was shot through and blood-soaked), walked off, then when he was done collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. TR was one tough SOB. As for FDR...toughness of spirit, sure. Anyone with goals such as his who still sees them through after being crippled by an adult bout with polio isn't exactly a shrinking violet. But even before he was confined to a wheelchair, he was more the irresponsible and effete playboy than anything else. If anything, polio toughened him.
  21. I want to know more about the background of the Supreme Court's decision...it sounds like there'd be more to it than that. The only valid reason the SC has (had) to get involved in the case of polygamy is the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution; there was an issue of whether a polygamous marriage in Utah could or should be legally recognized by a state where polygamy was illegal - the same issue that's ultimately going to force the gay marriage issue in front of the SC, where they'll probably decide that gay marriage is illegal at the federal level based on the polygamy precedent and in violation of the separation of powers. Frankly, I disagree with the court's decision on polygamy, and will disagree when they decide the same for gay marriage. HOWEVER...if they decided otherwise (in favor of separation of powers in a way that opens the full faith and credit clause to question), I'd still disagree (though not as strongly, as I don't believe full faith and credit should be as binding as separation of powers). Basically, I think the court's wrong...but I don't have the right answer.
  22. They've managed to conclude that the traditional sterotype of manhood is dead from reading three hundred books and web sites? I'm sorry...but what a bunch of !@#$ing retards. That's not a study, that's a bunch of underemployed sociologists (is there any other kind?) needing to be slapped silly.
  23. You ever tried walking for three months across the African wilderness? That alone is no walk in the park, even without firing several thousand rounds out of an express rifle at dangerous game. And I guess his calvary charge - sans horse - into Spanish rifle fire was a wussy thing to do, too...
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