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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Actually, that's very true. I get more mileage out of getting my wife a drink while I'm up than I did the emerald earrings I got her for Christmas.
  2. VABills and Johnny Coli are "brothers" now? Now I've seen it all. What's next, Rich in Ohio and Exiled in Illinois going to agree on something? Beausox going to say something that makes sense? Erynthered going to learn to spell?
  3. Her ass could use a little more nano- itself. And I didn't want to look too closely (for obvious reasons)...but do her panties look polyester to anyone else? I'm SURE that's much safer than nanotech stain resistant pants...
  4. Independence of thought is much better when it makes sense, however.
  5. It's because of attitudes like yours that so many marriages fail. A man should know that his place in a relationship amounts to three easy-to-remember phrases: "Yes, dear." "Let me get that for you." "How much do you need?" Any more than that, and you're begging to be kicked to the curb. At least, that's what my wife told me to write...
  6. Two teenagers were murdered over the weekend in the DC region - no apparent gang relations, no apparent reason. One stabbed at a party trying to mediate a fight, another gunned down in the street for reasons I have yet to hear. Am I supposed to have more or less empathy for them over Ms. Holloway because they haven't been in the national news?
  7. That made no sense...
  8. Probably the same bozos that labelled the Cassini and Galileo probes as apocylaptic weapons that would kill every single living thing on the planet if something went wrong... I wonder if these loons are aware that the formaldehyde in clothes they buy off the rack is more of a health hazard than molecularly-bonded stain-free technology?
  9. Why not let the owners (i.e. the shareholders) decide?
  10. Call them immediately. Bang as many as possible. If queried, just say "Well...there was a spark".
  11. Actually, Kirk had a rare book collection... (Why do I know this crap? Why do I ADMIT to knowing this crap? )
  12. The most surprising thing to me was that an American company is still offering pensions. My father was one of the last to get a pension from IBM before they completely phased it out. That was in 1999...the phase-out had started at least five (and probably more like ten) years earlier. So where was all this moral outrage 10-15 years ago, when the pension system actually started to be phased out of American corporate and labor culture?
  13. Kirk had Liz Taylor (back when she was good looking). Picard had...Gates McFadden? But the real deciding factor is: you never saw Jean Luc do one of those flying kicks to a Klingon's chest, did you?
  14. If I had to choose...it depends. Define "better". Hillary was thrown into the political process with the Clintons' health care initiative and was soundly thrashed to the point where she took on the dutiful little hausfrau background role that most First Ladies assume, right to the point of silently (perhaps stoically) enduring public humiliation over her husband's philandering. Laura Bush hasn't interfaced with Congress that I've seen...but she seems to have gotten more out of her position as First Lady than Hillary did. But to be brutally honest...I haven't seen much out of either of them that makes me conclude they're qualified for anything more than a bake sale. Can I vote for Edith Wilson?
  15. I think his point is statistics suck when they're abused. Comparing crime in DC to low-intensity urban combat in Iraq without understanding (or relating) what the numbers actually stand for is like comparing apples to smal furry woodland creatures...
  16. Makes sense... What really got me is reading that and realizing that that sort of thing is probably common nowadays. That, and if a parent did try the "Eat what's in front of you or don't eat" tactic these days, it's even money they'd have their kids taken away when some school administrator heard "My mommy didn't feed me last night". Like I said, what have we become...
  17. If my mother cooked something I didn't like...I ate it. Or went hungry. Why the hell is your kid allowed to call the shots like that? Jesus, what are we turning into...
  18. As is her family... Really, everyone connected with the case - save MAYBE the judge that made the original ruling years ago - needs to be slapped upside the head with a large trout. The only person involved who maintained anything even remotely resembling dignity throughout the process was Terry Schiavo herself...and for all practical purposes she was !@#$ing dead!!!! Says a lot when someone who's practically dead is more dignified than the living... Costa Rica's looking better every day...
  19. I've seen them. Here's the synopsis: She's STILL dead.
  20. What was the question?
  21. What the !@#$ is "phroensics"?
  22. TD's so evil he'd muck up his own thread, if he could, just to mess with our heads.
  23. And it happens with alarming frequency. However, you don't usually hear about it for a solid week on the national news. The coverage has nothing to do with an 18-year old girl getting murdered. It has everything to do with an 18 year old girl vacationing in Aruba. Had she been gunned down outside her high school, you'd never have heard about it.
  24. Yeah, it's Aruba's fault. Good looking high-school girls never get killed if they vacation domestically...
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