Told her he didn't have enough evidence to convict, so he wouldn't file until he did.
C'mon, the guy's been after MJ for ten years. He's got to rush this case to court immediately, with impeachable witnesses and not enough evidence? Wait twelve or 24 months, find two more cases, and bring them ALL to trial together...then you have the testimony to establish a pattern of behavior, and Jacko's no longer on trial for molesting a child, but for being a child molester. And that's a case the DA could win.
Instead, he gets buck fever, and pulls his shot badly...and MJ walks on this case (and can't be retried, mind you. Hell, this case can't even really be used as evidence in any future cases). And makes the next case that much harder...
Should he be impeached for it? No...he didn't break the law, he merely showed a great deal of incompetence, which is not an impeachable offense.