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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. More than that. They can pass the California Bar and become prosecutors...
  2. Told her he didn't have enough evidence to convict, so he wouldn't file until he did. C'mon, the guy's been after MJ for ten years. He's got to rush this case to court immediately, with impeachable witnesses and not enough evidence? Wait twelve or 24 months, find two more cases, and bring them ALL to trial together...then you have the testimony to establish a pattern of behavior, and Jacko's no longer on trial for molesting a child, but for being a child molester. And that's a case the DA could win. Instead, he gets buck fever, and pulls his shot badly...and MJ walks on this case (and can't be retried, mind you. Hell, this case can't even really be used as evidence in any future cases). And makes the next case that much harder... Should he be impeached for it? No...he didn't break the law, he merely showed a great deal of incompetence, which is not an impeachable offense.
  3. What the !@#$? Babelfish needs to get a beausox to English translator...
  4. <<Insert Michael Jackson Joke Here>>
  5. I make that in a half-hour of day trading...and don't have to deal with idiots, either...
  6. You're confusing justification and explanation. Is said woman justified in going out and blowing all her money in one giant depression-fuelled shopping spree? Probably not. Does depression explain her actions? Probably yes... Somehow, I think the subtle differences are lost on most of you pinheads, though. Understanding what drives a person to do what they do does not mean you absolve them of responsibility...
  7. That doesn't mean we won't mock him mercilessly for his stupid college years, however...
  8. And a boy at that. And that cat on the right doesn't look healthy, either...
  9. Yeah, because THAT'S what I meant, dolt.
  10. Riiiiight...and you're arguing with a feces tossing primate. So what kind of a buffoon does that make you?
  11. "Gruesome" is a bit of a stretch. It's the most violent of the three...but for the most part only in quantity. The actual graphicness of the violence doesn't go much beyond Luke getting his hand chopped off in Empire. Still, it's probably a bit much for a 5-year old. There's no really "cute and cuddly" child-oriented moments in it. Unless he really understands the point of the whole series (the downfall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker - would be a pretty big stretch of comprehension for a 5 year old, I think), you're probably better off waiting until he's a little more growed up...
  12. I bow to your doubtlessly greater experience in that regard...
  13. Especially when he wears those short shorts to the gym... ...but hey, look who I'm telling.
  14. Coming from Ed, this is just...well...
  15. He should go to therapy and learn to embrace his anger instead, I suppose...
  16. That's usually the way these types (child molestation) of trials go; physical evidence is not always forthcoming, and the case often boils down to "He said, he said". And even given THAT, it was still a weak case. The prosecution was !@#$ing stupid bringing this case to trial. Heard a talking head on the radio this morning lamenting on how this case sets a bad precedent in that a child molester can't be convicted solely on a child witness' testimony. Huh? Last I checked, no one's ever convicted solely on the uncorroborated testimony of the complainant. Morons...there is so much idiocy surrounding this case...
  17. I doubt many liberals were either. Face facts: the dove lady was neither liberal nor conservative, but whacked in the head and representing the "whacked in the head" minority in the country that typically votes for Lyndon LaRouche or Frank Zappa anyway... Pedophiles as a rule also start to exhibit the behavior in their late teens or early 20's. When's the first allegation against Jackson...when he was about 35 or so? At the very least, he doesn't follow the normal pattern of pedophiles to begin with...
  18. Spoken just like someone who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
  19. Nope, he's still alive. Living on Sri Lanka...was teaching diving until the tsunami wiped out his diving school. 90 years old, teaching scuba...I'm a third his age (roughly), and I couldn't dive or write as well as him...
  20. "I'm sorry I'm ignorant, but I'm not sick so why shouldn't I be ignorant." Because naturally, only those that ARE bipolar can know it's the same thing as manic-depressive. It's the rule... This has to be a troll. No one can be this obnoxious...save beausox. And KurtGodel99. And BF. And Steve. Okay, maybe it's not a troll...
  21. Of course, you've all but admitted you'll seek counseling at the drop of a hat anyway. Bang-up job so far, peckerwood. "You were dumped? Seek counseling! You don't like my advice? Seek counseling! You question my manhood? Seek counseling!" Did you just invite Darin to marriage counseling with you? Does your fiancee know about this, or are you staying in the closet until after the wedding?
  22. Just let him go. Yeah, he's being stupid...but it's best not to argue.
  23. So you'd send your kids there, unchaperoned, for a week?
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