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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. JSP would...but only because he's on line and doesn't have to actually make the decision. Still, it would be nice (and a much better industry, both creatively and, I'd wager, financially) if Hollywood took a flyer on wild-haired directors with no track record more often.
  2. By the way, I enjoyed dinner the other night...
  3. I believe this is generally true...but I have seen the odd parish where that was not true. I hasten to stress, as well, that I've considered those parishes the exception rather than the rule...
  4. Please, for our sake...try harder.
  5. Very true. There's some I'd go out of my way to see in a theater if I feel that the wide screen and sound are going to add something to the experience (Star Wars and Master and Commander - for some reason - most immediately jump to mind. As does the War of the Worlds remake). Most movies, though, don't lose much in being home-viewed these days...as good as Million Dollar Baby was, for example, there's not a hell of a lot that I'm going to miss watching it on my TV in letterbox format.
  6. What the !@#$ing hell?
  7. You presume too much. I believe in God. I just don't believe in your pathetic attempts at simplifying His existence to a level that human shallowness can accept. "Intelligent Design" is nothing more that an attempt to inflict human interpretation on the Divine. As such, it's beyond proof or disproof...it is, in effect, a fiction designed to make people feel less insignificant about their place in the universe. Of course, given the immense difficult some people have distinguishing between "fiction" and "non-fiction" here, it's not surprising that we have to have these little talks... And I'll go to a Catholic mass the moment they stop preaching anti-semitism and ritual cannibalism.
  8. Yeah...because being henpecked by one isn't torture enough...
  9. No doubt. I just have an easier time imagining the far-far-right's looney reaction ("God doesn't like it!") than the far-far-left's...simply because their looney reaction could be for any one of a number of BS reasons.
  10. There's ALWAYS a religious argument to be made for and against something. One could argue that powered exoskeletons are against God's will since he obviously WANTS the crippled to be immobile. Not that I'm saying that myself...but given that there's people who shoot OBGYN's in the name of "thou shalt not kill", somewhere out there some narrow-minded zealot will believe power-assisted mobility is unholy...
  11. Au contraire, you ARE religious, because...
  12. You wouldn't know one if it walked up and bit you in the ass, anyway.
  13. Is this going to be protested by the far, far right for being against God's will, or by the far, far left for...well, for reasons known only to them?
  14. This is a truly brilliant line of bull sh--. Really, it's genious. Pure art work. I'm going to print it and have it framed. Too bad the intelligent design you so desperately cling to in the real world is so sadly lacking in your own post...
  15. Well, I am just a crap-throwing simmian [sic].
  16. WTF??? If you aren't beausox, then the two of you are at least siamese twins connected at the opinion.
  17. It should be the burden of the accused to prove the accusations are false?
  18. "Denominational" is a typo of "religious"? This has got to be a joke...
  19. Of course, there's no such thing as a "non-religions curmodgeon", since Is this beausox, or are you just learn at his knee?
  20. Absolutely nothing. As far as I know, I have no kids...so if I get anything it'll be a hell of a surprise...
  21. Turning the TV off isn't an option?
  22. Yes, just what I said...Hume never said anything about flag burning, so you quoted him in support of your views...which would have been far more effective if he'd said something about flag burning for you to quote. And since he didn't, your argument goes something like "He ignored it, but since he didn't ignore marriage, he obviously things flag burning should be illegal because he couldn't conceive of it." That might make sense on your home planet, but here on earth we've achieved a higher level of thinking called 'reason' - which says, among other things, that fiction and non-fiction are not the same thing, and you can't quote someone who hasn't said anything!!! And "Some things are needed to be ignored"??? Did you learn English from a pack of wolves or something? That structure makes no friggin' sense whatsoever.
  23. I had no idea Bush made cuts to Social Security taxes...
  24. Yeah, you're right...they're enlightened. Incomparably so, to those of us that entertain ourselves by reading books.
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