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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. It's not that he couldn't behave...he just wanted to remove any and all evidence that he ever thought the Pistons could win...
  2. Someone who obviously needs more cowbell...
  3. It's possible...but that's a REAL stretch without supporting data. Before I were to accept that as anything more than a "Well, hypothetically...", I'd want to see supporting data.
  4. "We want you to get out and exercise, so take your heart rate, and then sit at a computer and tell us how hard you think you're exercising." This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. It's a half-step away from Sue sitting at her computer asking people to take her gym class for her...
  5. I fail to see how it then becomes the government's responsibility to make them for them. Hell, I fail to see where the friggin' government is capable of making the right decisions. If they were, you'd think that just maybe we wouldn't need to fix so many government programs...
  6. In his case, "think" is a rather glorified term for it. It's more like a mild seizure, sadly lacking in cowbell...
  7. And I suppose, since you misspelled "stupor", everyone else is going to follow suit as well?
  8. So's smearing feces on a picture of the Virgin Mary, to some. But it's still, fundamentally, sh--.
  9. Seems more like the poster child for retroactive birth control, to me...
  10. My top ten, in order, are... 10. Groundhog Day 10. Groundhog Day 10. Groundhog Day 10. Groundhog Day 10. Groundhog Day . . . . .
  11. I've already accepted that the New London market's different than DC, you can stop trying to convince me. And for that matter...the whole Anacostia development plan with the stadium is so !@#$ed up as it is that the infinitely stupid DC government may decide on their own not to apply eminent domain. The City Council has already ordered - publicly - the District Treasurer to artificially inflate the assessments of all properties in the area in an effort they admit is meant to drive the cost of the stadium so high that MLB will pull the Nationals out of DC. Of course, the low-income homeowners will STILL be driven out of their homes after the artificially inflated assessments send their property taxes into geosynchronous orbit... DC is a seriously !@#$ed up municipality. Frankly, the Supreme Court's decision only gives them leeway to become more !@#$ed up.
  12. Yes...but I suspect it'll boost PG enough to price a good amount of low-income buyers out of that market as well. On the bright side...by the looks of things, the DC real estate bubble is looking like it's only got about 12-18 months left. Already the pre-owned housing market's starting to slow down...the townhouse behind us was listed at $475k for a month, and finally went for $400. Between market forces and the number of stupid people who are buying at overinflated prices on interest-only loans (without considering that their won't stay that low forever, they eventually have to pay principal), with a few notable local exceptions (e.g. down VABills' way, because of the BRAC) DC could very well be a buyer's market by summer of 2007.
  13. There's new Hot Pockets? Cool! Hey look, a shiny object! What was I saying? What's on TV tonight?
  14. Yeah...like it's somehow my fault that Mommy English Teacher didn't teach you any...
  15. I can't figure out if you need to take more psychotropic drugs, or less...
  16. What's in its third page?
  17. You mean "My mother - COMMA - the English teacher - COMMA - would love this thread." Remember, commas ARE our friends...
  18. Look, everyone! Cindy made a subtle double entendre!
  19. What are you, a six year old? Most boys outgrow this BS about the time their voice starts changing...
  20. But you made Ed very happy. It's not often someone aims to please him.
  21. That's because his "social decline" was actually OCD, just like A Beautiful Mind was about John Nash's schizophrenia. Personally, though I didn't think The Aviator Oscar-worthy (just a pity nomination for Scorceze), it was a very good study of obsessive-compuslive disorder (no real surprise, since DiCaprio has it himself), and a reasonable statement to the effect that many mentally ill people who are successful are because they're mentally ill...Hughes Aircraft never would have succeded if Hughes wasn't nucking futs.
  22. Let's try this again...do you see any difference between: "I aim to please, Ed" and "I aim to please Ed." Like Derwood said...commas are your friend.
  23. Cars that run on beer farts? How do you reconcile that with DWI laws?
  24. And in this case, it may not have been as deleterious a decision as I'm stating. But my main issue is that the SC's decision doesn't just apply to New London, but to the nation, in particular more than a few major metropolitan areas (e.g. Atlanta) that are experiencing the same conditions I've described in DC. And that's even beyond my personal philosophical disagreement with a decision that weakens the individual right to property ownership...eminent domain has always been a risk a homeowner accepted (primarily because it's historically been a small risk, I imagine), but now they're being asked to accept the risk not only in the case of public works but commercial development. I have major philosophical issues with that, even beyond the obvious opportunities for corruption it introduces. And I had no real idea you were in New London. Frankly, I didn't know we'd be in New London until we were through it...next time we go to the Cape, whenever the hell that'll be.
  25. Conversely, do you think it's determined by guys who brag about not getting out of bed for less than $28/hr?
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