And in this case, it may not have been as deleterious a decision as I'm stating. But my main issue is that the SC's decision doesn't just apply to New London, but to the nation, in particular more than a few major metropolitan areas (e.g. Atlanta) that are experiencing the same conditions I've described in DC. And that's even beyond my personal philosophical disagreement with a decision that weakens the individual right to property ownership...eminent domain has always been a risk a homeowner accepted (primarily because it's historically been a small risk, I imagine), but now they're being asked to accept the risk not only in the case of public works but commercial development. I have major philosophical issues with that, even beyond the obvious opportunities for corruption it introduces.
And I had no real idea you were in New London. Frankly, I didn't know we'd be in New London until we were through time we go to the Cape, whenever the hell that'll be.