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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Pfff. Tukachevsky's not an option? For that matter, where the hell's Genghis Khan? He introduced all the basic principles long before Guderian or anyone else. Hell, Genghis Khan was coordinating multiple forces along multiple operational axes separated by hundreds of miles in the 13th Century...it took the rest of the world seven hundred years to even approach that standard. I'd like to see Guderian coordinate the encirclement of Kiev with flags and bonfires...
  2. That's actually a very good point. And everything was spelled right, too...
  3. Well, that all depends on if you mean "good presidents", "presidents he likes even though they're not good", or "presidents he likes regardless of whether or not they're good presidents, just so they're good presidents despite his liking/not liking them"... Daddy Daycare, huh...?
  4. I blew off the Holland reference because we're discussing whether the tactical doctrine on France in 1940 was more Rommel's or Guderian's responsibility (and as I keep saying: Guderian's synthesis of theory was important, and I take nothing away from him. But saying he "invented" it is a stretch, like saying Ford invented the automobile). But if you REALLY want to talk about Holland's contribution to Doenitz's tactical innovation...well, then don't bring up WW1 naval warfare in the Eastern Med. (Plus...Doenitz was a poser. For all the publicity his wolfpack tactics got, they only worked twice...that's twice, as in "against two out of God-knows-how-many North Atlantic Convoys". The rest of the U-boat's notable successes came despite his wolfpack tactics, not because of them.)
  5. Gee, just because we've been over this same ground for three years running, you'd think we'd want to discuss it even further with a new pinhead who unthinkingly regurgitates sound bytes he doesn't understand and can't support...
  6. After reading his post, I'm not even sure he knows what the analogy means...
  7. Rommel's tactical style goes straight back to his experience as an infantry commander in Italy in WWI...long before Guderian hit the scene. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to slight Guderian; he had the vision to synthesize everyone else's theories with the C3 elements and support arms available to him to make them work. But that's not tactics, that's operational theory. The tactics, at the spearhead of the advance, at the Meuse crossings at Dinant and Houx, against Gort's counterattack at Arras, were Rommel's.
  8. Uh, yeah...I guess the would...
  9. Personally, I wouldn't like to see any. They'd all have to be pretty odiferous by now...
  10. After 160 posts, it's becoming clear that you doth protest too much...and are perhaps a closet Kirk fan in denial. Why else would ANYONE be this adamant about Picard?
  11. Do you have ANY concept of how the world actually works? I've never known anyone before know that is actually more ignorant about these topics than your average action-adventure movie. Normally I tell idiots to go read a book and then try to talk to me. You're on a whole new plane. You could read the friggin' comics and get an education.
  12. Guderian's operational theory. Rommel's tactics, and Manstein's strategy. And Guderian didn't do anything more than synthesize the theories of Liddel-Hart, Fuller, Tukachevsky, etc. Which is very important, don't get me wrong...he put into practice what the others merely conjectured. But he didn't invent the mobile operational art any more than Steve Jobs invented the home computer or Bill Gates the operating system...
  13. What??????? I mean, here's a bunch of people saying "Bush is a total idiot, he's a complete !@#$-up, he couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a map, he's the worst president ever...but he, all by his lonesome with NO help from anyone with experience in the matter, planned and executed the political AND military strategy down to the operational level for the invasion of Iraq." Do you have ANY idea how completely !@#$ing stupid and clueless you sound?
  14. Clinton put Iraq on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. The UN specifically mentioned them in the countless resolutions after the cease-fire agreement. Iraq was to give up all ties to terrorist activities. They did not and the UN specifically mentioned that they did not give up those activities, violating the cease-fire agreement. 370934[/snapback] Those activities are related to the Palenstinian terror groups Not Al Qaeda... so YES YOU ARE trying to link other groups to our fight, thus justify the invasion. I believe we should stay andd kick butt now that we are there. But Bush is a total F up when it came to the reason to invade, the strategy, and the planning. 371137[/snapback] Are you REALLY so dense as to think terrorist groups are so thoroughly stovepiped? Do you know how al Qaeda's organized to begin with?
  15. I'm rather surprised you found the time to type that response while frantically googling "Neville Chamberlain".
  16. Except that de Gaulle was FAR too junior for such a post, and the French Army suffered from a severe internal rot that no general was likely to address in less than five or ten peacetime years. The French in 1940 had severe problems that went well beyond leadership and doctrine...the only two things that de Gaulle really could have influenced in time.
  17. What the hell? Ladies and Gentelemen, I present Buckey, the world's only living brain donor...
  18. Technically, you can get a DWI riding a bicycle under the influence...and I believe, in some states, if you're horseback riding drunk.
  19. Reading this, I can't shake the suspicion that you're also one of those morons who was crying "But we gave Saddam WMDs!"
  20. Wow, that's all very interest...oooh, Survivor's on!
  21. Why do we bother? It's like trying to have a conversation with a friggin' Furby.
  22. GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM, you numbskull.
  23. And you're allowed to be slapped down for it if your observations are baseless and stupid. Every conversation you've ever had with a homosexual has involved them saying to you at some point "I'm gay"?
  24. HALLIBURTON! FLIGHT SUIT! GOAT STORY! Geez, don't you know anything Alaska Dimwit...
  25. Non-sequiter of the day. "Our country's GDP is proof we shouldn't be in Iraq!" You should do stand-up...
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