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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Hobbits live that long easily, though...
  2. Of course he did. The special bus drives by it every day...
  3. "Green Eggs and Ham"...satisfies his craving for poetry and fine cuisine at the same time. "Gawrsh...if the eggs are supposed to be green, what should I add to 'em...wait, I know! Pickles are green!..."
  4. 5 minutes for ravioli...but an hour for your vomit-fest? The only way I can figure this is that time travel is somehow involved in your cooking...
  5. Why would I try? First of, why the hell would I waste the food (three eggs, a box of macaroni, and a quarter-stick of butter is a good amount of food. Add some cheese and vegetables and I can get four real meals out of that). Second, I don't need to make your God-awful emetic to know that it takes me about 20 minutes to make a REAL frittata...so why the hell should your bull sh-- retarded "Mama never taught me how to cook and I can't read a recipe" miserable pile of elephant droppings take me THREE TIMES as long? I want to see you cook some other food someday...like ravioli, maybe: "Open can, pour into pan, heat. Prep time: 30 minutes."
  6. Whoever Bush nominates, the Democrats will find SOMETHING to B word about. Party politics at its finest. I suppose no one's considered that, given this is O'Connor retiring, the Senate Democrats are easily likely to block any male candidate...
  7. It's a document created by damned liberal nuts, so it can't possibly be right... The line you quote isn't part of any oath of office (which you can look up online), but it damned well should be. Wouldn't make a damned bit of difference, though, since most of them don't even live up to the oath to defend the Constitution that they take now. Most elected officials owe their alliegance to The Party, and oaths of office are just words like any other campaign promise.
  8. Don't know how you find the time when you spend so much boiling elbow macaroni. C'mon, man..an hour???? (I already know your answer, too..."Well, you gotta FRY them too..." )
  9. That excuse needs more cowbell...
  10. Why read those, when the evening news summarizes it all so well for us?
  11. I've seen a few recipes without vegetables. I've even seen a few without pasta (with potatos instead). Either way, BF's concoction can properly be called a Short Bus Frittata or, as seems to be the consensus, a Retard frittata or 'Retatta'. And it still doesn't explain how it takes an hour to boil noodles and scramble eggs...
  12. It's possible when you don't spend 40 minutes on the phone asking "Mama??? How do you peel an egg???" I cooked for my wife the other day: steamed broccoli with garlic butter and grilled chicken served over angel hair pasta with an olive oil and sun-dried tomato sauce. It took half an hour...15 minutes of which was thawing the frozen chicken. And you can't boil noodles and scramble eggs in less than an hour?
  13. I'm neither tolerant or compassionate, and I have just as much loathing for conservatives as liberals. The fact is, this country seems to consist of three hundred million ignorant boneheads and seven or eight people who can discuss this rationally...of which, you are not.
  14. Why not scrambled eggs? And fried noodles? I mean, here we are talking about adding the pickle juice to everything else. What if we added everything else to the pickle juice? What if, instead of a topping, we used it as a marinade?
  15. Who's Pavlov? Doesn't ring a bell... Oh sh--, that was awful...
  16. Beats pickle juice. Albiet not by much...
  17. Why do you continue to wet your pants every time I say something needs more cowbell?
  18. Typo. I meant Thursday. I was in a hurry, the elbow noodles were burning...
  19. It's the return of Nasty Vicious Tuesday. <munching on fried noodles in pickle juice>
  20. AND, as a matter of fact...the first girl that was attacked, was probably attacked BECAUSE she was on that sand bar. I'm willing to bet the ocean floor shelves off rapidly past that point...many sharks (particularly the dangerous ones) wait in deep water just off a shallow point and watch upward for prey. It probably saw the girl silhouetted in the shallows and thought "lunch". I still want to know what kind of shark that was. My money's on bull shark...but it could have been a tiger. Hey, what can I say? I read too much.
  21. So they killed a fish as big as a bear to make the point that fish as big as bears are at risk for extinction? Uhhh...maybe you shouldn't have killed the damned fish then, you think?
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