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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. This is the internet equivalent of drool.
  2. It was not misplaced, merely optional.
  3. Most Respected: Respect? Here? Most likely to become president: KRC. As far as I know, he's the only one running. Most Conservative: RichInOhio. Most Liberal: Johnny Coli...and I mean that in a good way. Most Artistic: I don't know, so I'll say Gavin, just because he needs the attention. Best personality: Define 'best'. If you mean 'nicest'...it's a toss-up. Rosen and #89 are two of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Our Einstein: Since I'm just humble enough to not select myself...Johnny Coli. Board Dreamboat: SDS. He's so dreamy. Best Cook: BF Most likely to read poetry: BF. Most likely to understand poetry, however... Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: Ed. Mr. Doom: Again, because he needs the attention, JSP. Perfect couple: Harriet and BF Most likely to start a LAMP: stojan.
  4. If I ever meet you, I am going to kick your ass for this.
  5. I figured...I was just afraid, given some of the posts above yours, that some might take it seriously.
  6. If you only felt like you were going to get shot, you were in the good part of Baltimore.
  7. Leave my cats out of this. My friggin' cats not only read Scientific American, but they don't fry macaroni and season it with pickle juice. They're far smarter than most of the people in this retard-fest here.
  8. No. Actually, the Declaration of Independence, while being the foundation of this country in that it asserted the colonies' independence from England, is not a binding legal document.
  9. CB's were on the Iwo airfields while they were being fought over. Iwo gave the trained and experienced Marines hell; for an untrained middle-aged engineer to unhesitatingly walk into that combat zone is pretty f'in ballsy.
  10. Probably because of the horrible memories of losing a war (and a naval battle, no less) to the French...
  11. "Remember when you had lots of friends and were really popular? Yeah...neither does anyone else."
  12. TD makes /dev/null do a pretty good imitation of a crap throwing monkey when you get him going on starship captains...
  13. And, by the way...I looked it up. It was UDTs that supported the landings at Iwo in the week previous to the actual invasion by setting up markers on or near the beach and clearing obstacles just offshore. And took vicious casualties doing it, too. They'd be the forerunners to the SEALs.
  14. I've got a library of several hundred military history books (at least...could be more). It's not that I'm getting old, it's that my brain's filling up... Yes, even my over-developed Kazoo-like cranium has a limit...
  15. No. Completely different beasts. Yes. I want to say they were UDT's (Underwater Demolition Teams), but I'm not positive they were called that back then. At any rate, there were a bunch of guys, Navy or Marine (can't recall which), trained to swim to the beach (and not with the equipment they have today - they went with shorts, fins, a utility belt, maybe a breathing apparatus) and plot the location of obstacles 12 or so hours before an assault. Used exclusively in the Pacific, to the best of my knowledge. Now I've got to go to the library and look it up...I hate giving "Yeah, but I don't remember the details" answers when I should remember the details...
  16. You're extremely wrong. CB's in WWII were middle-aged construction engineers drafted to be middle-aged construction engineers. They were not middle-aged construction engineers drafted to be commandos. As far as I know, that hasn't changed much in the past 60 years. They did build - and fight - in hell. But they weren't really trained for it, and certainly not trained like SEALs. Which, frankly, makes a lot of what they did that much more impressive.
  17. That would be a little easier if THE LAW could decide who is and is not an actual sex offender.
  18. Not "supposedly". They are. The applicable statutes say that unlawful restraint, being detaining a child with or without the child's consent, is always a sexual offense. I just looked it up. Blisteringly stupid set of statutes, if you ask me. I've got to ask my sister (a defense attorney) about this to be sure, but it looks set up so that in Illinois you can effectively be found guilty of a sexual offense without actually being charged with one...as the "unlawful restraint" statute is completely separate from the sexual offenses statutes. Like I said, blisteringly stupid. Of course, this is from the same state where it's illegal to expose wheat to sulfur...
  19. And it's REALLY okay with you that the guy's labelled for life as a sex offender for a non-sexual crime? Really, how are you not seeing that?
  20. I love this logic. How did "The Saudis" leave their fingerprints all over that? Because bin Laden was Saudi? Because a majority of the hijackers were Saudi? Last I checked, Western New Yorkers left some pretty big fingerprints all over the Oklahoma City bombing...I guess that means ALL of WNY should be indicted? Please... I have yet to see ANYONE who claims "The Saudis are responsible for 9/11" show any actual evidence that any official representative of Saudi Arabia had any direct involvement...much less that it represents the policy of the entire country. As for Iraq and 9/11...Iraq wasn't invaded because of 9/11, it was invaded because of the war on terrorism. That you think that because 9/11 is terrorism you therefore think that terrorism is 9/11 is your own problem.
  21. You do understand, of course, that there's a difference between grabbing a child by the arm and sexually assaulting a child, right? Like I said...the guy would get off easier if he'd just punched her in the face. Then he'd serve his time and be out and done with it. Now he's labelled a "sex offender" for the rest of his life for something that, whatever it was, was fundamentally not sexual in nature. And this somehow seems okay to you?
  22. 3. Do the insurgents/terrorists see ANY difference between the US and UN? 4. Where are you going to get the extra 300k troops? From a military that already admits they're overstretched? 5. If, by some stretch of the imagination, you do find the 300k troops for Iraq...aren't you, Buckey, just going to complain that we didn't send them to the REAL war in Afghanistan? But hey, of course...
  23. That's funny. Fully 20% of the replies in this thread are from you...but it's not your fault? Did you ever notice that all these threads like this have one thing in common? You...
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