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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Richtards and libtards...very nice...
  2. Ahhh, the good old days...when McCarthy railed against the Red hordes and made this country proud...
  3. Main reason being, receivers don't get double- or triple-covered in fantasy football. If I'm putting together a fantasy team, I might actually take Lee Evans over Moulds (on the premise that the coverage Moulds gets makes Evans a bigger threat). If I'm putting together a real team...Moulds is strong, can run after the catch, can (and is willing to) block downfield on running plays; I take Moulds over Evans every time.
  4. Actually, if you consider that the topic at the G8 summit was the environment and global warming, and an acquaintance of mine working for an American investment bank in London was told to be at work early and prepared for something big, it's pretty obvious that the bombings were the work of the CIA intended to distract the G8 from environmental issues on behalf of Big Oil, which of course clued in their money men on Wall Street. It all fits rather neatly...and the real proof, of course, is that I have no evidence for any of it, which conclusively proves the government's covering it up. Of course, it's total bull sh-- (even though the only thing I totally made up was the acquaintance in London), but I'm writing it up for Rense.com anyway, just to mess with the idiots that think that crap is real...
  5. How long will it be before RiO sobers up and regrets this dumbass post?
  6. I'm sure he's fine...there's probably a quarter-million people in the financial district, and maybe 500 actually hurt or killed. Odds are in his favor. My sister's freaked, though...not that I blame her, obviously, but I'm more worried about her than him at this point...
  7. DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!!! Sorry...that was obligatory. I don't have time now, but I'll take a look at it later for you.
  8. Just curious...have the left and right on this board finally found a topic to agree on; namely, that beausox is a babbling idiot?
  9. Personally, my view is that today's for the victims. Tomorrow's for the politics. As far as I know, my sister's fiancee's still MIA...in that we haven't heard from him. Could just be the phone system being screwed up...
  10. More accurately, the Taliban was supported by them. Though that's not even really accurate either...the truth is that Afghanistan is better thought of as a geographical region than a country (they don't even recognize their own borders), and Afghanistan politics was, is, and will always be an unholy mess...particularly from 1980-2000, with the Pakis, Saudis, Russians, Iranians, US, and multiple corporate and special interest groups mucking around in it. To say any single entity supported any other single entity in Afghanistan is an egregious over-simplification; at its simplest, you might say that the Taliban and al Qaeda are two facets of the same issue.
  11. Not al Qaeda. They're a trans-national terrorist organization. By definition, they're not geographically centered or nationally supported.
  12. He's probably hearing the same thing. Worry about that tomorrow. It'll take a while for the investigators to figure it out, and everything you hear until then is little more than the media masturbating all over itself for lack of any real information.
  13. No, it means if you think the US judicial system and the Vatican are even REMOTELY comparable, you're an idiot.
  14. It's not that they don't play by the rules; it's that they don't have rules, whereas we do. That's what separates terrorists from nations. That's also what makes them so hard to fight.
  15. They do have a .org website, however. Figure that one out.
  16. I've been listening to local DC news. They're so unorganized and grabasstic today they've actually cut to "breaking news" that turned out to be test signals. Listening to them, it took me half an hour to figure out this happened in London and not downtown DC.
  17. That must be why Netanyahu was in the financial district for a conference at that time...
  18. Yeah...it's Gavrilo Prinzip's fault!
  19. Except 9/11. But before that, the world was perfect...
  20. Shocking indeed. 9/11 at the Pentagon unfolded literally outside my bedroom window. It took me a good eighteen months before I stopped jumping when I heard sirens. I know all too well what you're feeling... From what I've seen, your emergency services are doing terrific work. Legacy of the IRA, I imagine...you've had to deal with terrorism over there long enough that you've got the knowledge institutionalized. There aren't many cities much better able to handle this than London.
  21. Ask the Israelis. They pull survivors off busses in even worse shape than that all the time. In fact, given the way the bus's structure peeled away and the integrity of the seats on the upper deck, it's not the least bit surprising that people survived it. (Don't mean to sound callous or cold, BTW...fact is, my sister's fiancee should have been right in the middle of all this when it kicked off, and I'm rather worried. I just don't get dramatic about this stuff anymore...)
  22. VA, there's a difference between public speculation and actual investigation.
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