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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. What, exactly, is the issue here? That the liberal media (i.e. the BBC) is choosing to use a LESS loaded and more objective term?
  2. Either one...but we don't really know what their motivations are, do we? Well...most of us don't. Apparently you're omniscient and can make that judgement.
  3. Or it mean the economy's so desperate over there, they have no other recourse to collect a paycheck...
  4. Geez...I knew ICE thought he was our savior...but now to have it codified in a public service announcement...
  5. Well...they're looking up in Yorkshire now. If you bombed Yorkshire, would anyone really miss it?
  6. Uhhh...no, I don't. I was asking what the !@#$ you were talking about, because your post was stupid. Again. Still.
  7. Wait a minute...are you trying to say that the Brits are handling it properly because it's smaller in scale, or are minimizing it more easily because it's smaller in scale?
  8. "Contributing to minors"? Missing a few words there? Or, in not knowing how to spell "delinquency", did you just decide to forego them completely?
  9. He has so much to learn, I couldn't sit down with him without several drinks...
  10. George W. Bush is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party, since he finally gives them that coherent party platform they've been lacking the past two decades. Admittedly, that platform is "George W. Bush sucks"...but it's still the most coherent thing they've come up with in a long time...
  11. But that was our fault. Obviously, we just wanted to do it more directly.
  12. Men go out and buy Corvettes and motorcycles to recapture their youth...she goes out and buys breasts. I have no problem with that...
  13. And Michael Moore. Anyone know how many of the profits from "Farenheit 9/11" went to families of 9/11 victims?
  14. I read it as implying that your head's empty. But I like your interpretation even better.
  15. Which still would have made him a martyr. Look, you put him in front of me and hand me a gun, I'll personally put a bullet in his brainpan. But that's vengeance, not strategy. From a strategic point of view, we're better off now with him alive and marginalized rather than dead and martyred.
  16. I was merely referring to your "Let's interject some reality" followed by - that is particularly hilarious - And that last is particularly funny, too. NEITHER party understands doing the right thing for the sake of it being right. And you don't see any spin in this? Your post is ALL SPIN. "Karl Rove didn't do anything, and what he did is being reported, and if it was wrong he'll be punished because he's a Republican and the Republicans hold themselves accountable unlike those nasty, icky Democrats." What in that is NOT spin? And what in that is that "reality" you were offering to interject?
  17. There is a certain karmic element to it...
  18. Most would. Doesn't mean that's the most effective way to prosecute the campaign against him, though.
  19. Actually, he's right. Had the strike from England been routed through France, the approach to the target would have been from a different direction. Since they had to fly way the hell out into the Atlantic and approach from the west, they ended up flying over a civilain neighborhood to strike their intended target...and that neighborhood happened to contain the French embassy, and one of the bombs happened to fall short...
  20. i·ro·ny (r-n, r-) KEY NOUN: pl. i·ro·nies 1) The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. 2)An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning example: followed by
  21. But the Zarq-man is over in Iraq, he's not threatening us, he just wants us out of Iraq, so if we leave Iraq immediately he'll leave us alone and everything in the world will be sunshine and lollipops...
  22. Ryan Leaf: "Welcome to Wal-Mart...Welcome to Wal-Mart..."
  23. Don't get short with me; I agree with you. Anyone who's actually watched Mexico play should agree with you...he's exciting as hell to watch, but a mediocre passer at best, and last I checked "exciting" doesn't win football games...
  24. Almost makes you wonder if the problems with their passing game is somewhere other than in the hands of their WRs, doesn't it?
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