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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Second-most. Friggin' Lonnie getting absolutely wrecked in the open field against Green Bay was the most...
  2. ...and picking the shells out of the pan. "Ow, hot! Ow, hot! Ow, hot!"
  3. Only if you're putting the house on the market.
  4. Beat me to it, bastard...
  5. So McVeigh wasn't American then?
  6. I'm asking on behalf of some friends... If I have two and a half years to prepare my conveyence for a long, arduous journey, should I wait until the very last minute to see if the gas gauge works, or should I maybe fix it at some point in the previous thirty months?
  7. We would too if the only people we could choose from were the French.
  8. Doesn't mean that after a year they didn't say "Oh sh--, what'd we do?" and start praying for alternatives...
  9. To be fair, given that Florida couldn't even define what a vote was, their election laws needed to be shoved up a shark's ass. Other than that...nice post. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why "activist judges" who "legislate from the bench" only do so against Republicans and not Democrats. I imagine I'll be waiting a LONG time for that explanation...
  10. Napoleon was in fact a general. You're confusing him with Hitler. And after Robespierre and the Jacobins, can you really blame them for wanting anyone else in power?
  11. Or ditch the knife and use the friggin' Dremel to slice your wrists...
  12. Lots of people accuse the US of aiding al Qaeda. It's because they can't accept that the world's actually a complex place. And Moore happens to be a very visible example of that...just look at his work.
  13. So let me get this straight: you state your opinion on something where opinion is fundamentally irrelevent, provide one item of completely ambiguous supporting data...then get pissy when you're called out on supporting your irrelevant opinion with one ambiguous data point? And I'm the one that's arrogant? That is a supremely retarded reasoning process you have there...
  14. I'm rather surprised he could see them through all the sewage...
  15. What the !@#$ does belief have to do with anything? Who gives a sh-- what I believe? What I believe is completely irrelevant to the reality on the ground...and from what evidence I've seen, anecdotal and otherwise, that indicates there's multiple parties in Iraq pursuing multiple goals, including ex-Baathists and foreign fighters that may or may not cooperate with each other depending on the situation, regardless of what anyone not in Iraq believes. That's a FAR cry from making a woefully ignorant blanket assumption that, because more Iraqis are in hospital than foreigners, more Iraqis than foreigners are fighting.
  16. NY hospitals aren't much better. Actually, there's very few urban hospitals in the nation that don't have problems with nonsocomial infections; they're very good breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  17. These people aren't just "held". Lots of them are killed. Those numbers could just as easily mean that Iraqis are far more likely to let themselves be captured. More Syrians were killed during the assault on Baghdad than Iraqis, after all...
  18. But how many of those who died from nonsocomial infections were put in the hospital by guns?
  19. But she said not "recently" war-torn. That makes all the difference. Don't you know that the statute of limitations on "war-torn" status is eight years, so Iraq was actually two or three years removed from being a war-torn state?
  20. He's a Dolphins fan? He's such a stand-up guy, I didn't even realize it...
  21. As I'd said throughout the election. The most beatable candidate since Carter, and the Democrats manage to run the most beatable challenger since Mondale.
  22. Two words: John Kerry Two words: JOHN FRIGGIN' KERRY. An inanimate carbon rod could have beaten John Kerry.
  23. It worked well, actually. Flew twice, they actually managed to land it by remote control in a crosswind (NASA can't land the space shuttle in a crosswind under manual control). Then they grounded it, for the simple reason that they were wasting too much money on it.
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