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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. And from what I understand, the Clintons went to great lengths to raise her as well as possible...and again, from what I understand, it seems to have worked. And as for the effects of her father's philandering...she's not the first kid whose father was caught getting blown at the office. She won't be the last, either. Of all her father's actions in the office, odds are it's his actual job that had the most impact on her. I still think, though, that she looks like the "desperate intern" sort, however.
  2. Hot? No. Cute? Well...maybe, sometimes, in the right light that minimizes the fact that she got the worst combination out of that gene pool. Bottom line, though, is that she looks like the kind of girl who'd be so insecure about her looks that she'd end up fellating her boss in a desperate bid for attention then get him in trouble by bragging to the world about it. Ironic, isn't it?
  3. "The NASA program"? Which one? And it's probably more like $150 billion...still a nice chunk of change, but not NEARLY enough for the programs you list. And your restart costs for a 10-year hiatus would wipe out any savings you'd get anyway. Better to get some sane management into NASA to rationalize the manned space program - figure out a meaningful purpose for the ISS, replace the shuttle with something sensible (probably 90% of the vehicle weight is designed to carry cargo to orbit and return empty space safely to earth. Ditch the cargo bay, make it a taxi instead of a truck, and you probably save a ton of money right there). The savings you get from scrapping NASA, though, aren't even comparable to the savings you'd get from scrapping one of the DoD's multitude of fatally flawed, expensive stuporweapon programs like the FCS or DD(X).
  4. They're not? Somehow, that's got to be TD's fault, the rotten bastard.
  5. Dumbest logic ever. "We'll pass a law making something mandatory in order to allow parents to more effectively parent." News flash: it doesn't take a friggin' village. It takes a mother, or a father, or both. Preferably both, but one reasonably sensible and motivated parent is more than sufficient...and far more sufficient than any state assembly. But be glad you don't live in Illinois. There, if your kid is falling off their bike and you grab her arm to steady her, you have to register as a sex offender... Sometimes I hate this friggin' society...then there's times like now, when I loathe it.
  6. That's what motherment is for, to protect us from the evil, greedy capitalist corporations...
  7. A bit of a distance from Indonesia, too. So what the hell does geography have to do with it? Lest you forget, the London bombers seem to have been recruited from Yorkshire, which I would submit is far more western-inclined than Chechnya or the Balkans. And the Serbs, Croats, and the like have as much if not more reason to be pissed off at NATO members than Chechnyans or your average resident of Leeds. I would be amazed if Islamic terrorist groups weren't actively recruiting in the Balkans.
  8. Plenty of blonde-and-blue Muslims in the Balkans.
  9. Thus, my new avatar...dumb way to run a shop.
  10. Shuttle launches only "move" me when I hear them announce "Roger, go with throttle-up". Can't help thinking of Challenger when I hear that...
  11. I can't help wondering why he was registered for fall courses in the spring to begin with. In eight years of schooling, I never saw that happen. We always registered for fall courses after the spring semester - including at UB. But on the other hand...relinquishing a scholarship does not withdraw one from a university. If the bozo was registered for classes and forgot to withdraw from the university, that's his fault, and he's liable. If, however, he did withdraw and UB says he was still registered...that's their fault. Somehow, I suspect it's the former, as I don't see anything that says he withdrew from the school, just that he gave up his scholarship. So he should pay up.
  12. You probably booted him off the server...
  13. As I recall, she was never exactly good looking to begin with.
  14. We expect those little glitches to happen at launch, though. It's not a problem...
  15. It's about ten posts above this...
  16. Introspection rather than exploration. Unfortunately, no one ever solved any problems staring at their navel.
  17. More likely a wing will fall off and, over the hysterical screaming of the engineers, NASA management will issue a "special safety waiver" saying, in part, "We expect these little issues as liftoff approaches..."
  18. "This is your running back...this is your running back on drugs. Any questions?"
  19. True karma would be if just before he was killed he got a spam saying "Forward this letter to 10 people or bad luck will befall you" and trashed it...
  20. You're being almost RiO stupid today.
  21. It's closer to 20% if you count the ones that say "Hey, look...balloons!"
  22. F'you. Every company I've ever worked for has only gotten in trouble when the CEO has decided he should exercise his authority. Who I currently work for is doing very well...and the CEO usually gets 18 holes in every day. I do not think that's a coincidence.
  23. 400k???? I wonder how many of them are actual sex offenders.
  24. A cat would be best. A big cat. Like a tiger or leopard.
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