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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Have any good pickle juice recipes?
  2. Scott Peterson never talked to the media. I guess he's not a bad guy...
  3. I haven't actually seen him speak off the cuff. I have seen him stammer off the cuff, however. And I believe I once heard him sputter when Cheney took a drink of water...
  4. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
  5. Yes it is. Losman's hiding WMDs.
  6. Of course not. He got them all here...
  7. Oh, so it's not my opinion that's wrong, it's my timing. I trust you will be so kind as to let us know when it's permissible to criticize Losman, then?
  8. I know... Because I'm a crap-throwing monkey. It's like coming home...
  9. No, I'd prefer a lengthy one. Please keep in mind, when giving me the opinions I'm supposed to have, that I prefer them to be detailed and well thought out.
  10. bull sh--. You've written plenty of posts that demonstrate your complete inability to differentiate between convicted and accused sex offenders. So you're telling me you're suddenly now toning down your insane rhetoric? Yeah, right... And furthermore...continuing to punish someone after their sentence is served is a grotesque constitutional violation. Why not just rewrite the laws to sentence them to life in prison? It's far more protective of everyone's rights than setting them "free...but not really". Frankly, this is the dumbest idea I've heard since...well, since your last one.
  11. Thanks for putting me right. Now can you tell me what I'm supposed to think about Roscoe Parrish?
  12. You mean killing 350 school children wasn't enough of a hint? Did you questin Charles Manson's guilt before Geraldo interviewed him as well?
  13. First that comes to mind was Kerry's "I voted for it before I voted against it" statement. Yeah, I know what he meant...he should have said what he meant. His statement was dumb. Second is Gary Hart's answer in the Democratic Primary debates in '84 to the Czech airliner question...for those that don't remember, it was just after KAL 007 was shot down, and the question was along the lines of "If a Czech airliner was sighted over Kansas, how would you handle it." Hart went on this babbling spiel about how he'd order the jet fighters up to intercept, and have them fly along side and check in the windows to see if they were wearing uniforms... Mondale rebutted "What a stupid question. There's no way that's happening. A foreign airliner isn't getting to Kansas without us knowing it."
  14. "Middle of nowhere" has nothing to do with it - it's a satellite system, with global coverage by definition. If you can't track your trucks out to East Nowhere, Oregon, that's a limitation of your system and not GPS. But you are right in that the signal is LOS...a tunnel will degrade it. Though I question what that has to do with this discussion. And actually, I question this entire discussion anyway. Bunch of !@#$ing idiots here who think that anyone who looks at a child sideways should be flayed and slowly roasted alive...the same idiots who'd whine and B word and cry and moan the very moment they were even casually accused of looking at a child sideways. Indignation is easy, actually thinking about the problem and offering solutions is more work than most of the people here are even capable of...
  15. I said it quite some time ago...I expect Losman to fall flat on his face. I'm disappointed to see I was right. But then, what do you expect from a guy who pronounces his name "loss-man"?
  16. Military spec GPS is scary accurate. Civilian spec - what most of us are familiar with - is much less so. I'll have to pull my old Magellan out to check, but as I recall it was 10m or less...enough for me to easily navigate backwoods Pennsyltucky "Deliverance" country in the dark without a map.
  17. You have GOT to be !@#$ing kidding me...
  18. Why the hell would anyone give a politican the benefit of the doubt?
  19. To enhance regional stability. Put simply, the two main motivations for terrorism were the American presence in the Islamic Holy Land (Saudi Arabia), and the Palestinian issue. For the former, the main reason for the American presence was the continued instability that a persistently belligerent Saddam Hussein maintained in the region. Theoretically, if you remove Hussein the entire region becomes more stable and peaceful (I say "theoretically", not because I don't believe it's true, but because I don't believe it's proven, and won't be for another decade or so). Also, if you resolve partially or fully the Palestinian issue, the region should become more stable (and note that Israel intends to pull out of Gaza, settlements and all - and intends strongly enough that they're actually worried about Jewish terrorists trying to derail the withdrawal). And theoretically, such stability that'll contribute to the weakening of the terrorist anti-Western cause (and in this case I say "theoretically" because I don't buy it - they'll find another excuse). And like I said, that's put simply. Very. But I don't think it's oversimplifing to the point of incorrectness to say that one of the policy foundations of the GWOT is to address and defuse those issues in the Middle East that contribute philosophically and psychologically to terrorism.
  20. Shocked, yes SHOCKED I am to hear that we see this kind of behavior in political figures!...
  21. Rae Carruth is still incarcerated, right?
  22. I'm pretty sure it's FAR more complex than the answer to that question...
  23. Thanks. Got it from your mom; I asked her for some of your wedding pictures...
  24. So he's regional. It ain't the War on al Qaeda, it's the War on Terrorism. Bin Laden used to be a "regional" threat, too...
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