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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I still see him leaving his feet to throw, and consistently throwing off his front foot...and generally, just not planting his feet to throw. That may have worked for him in college, but QBs can get away with a lot of bad habits in college that will get them eaten alive in the pros. I've never been confident about Losman's chances in the NFL...and as of yet, I haven't seen a damned thing that makes me change my mind. Maybe when the season starts...but then again, I believe in the adage "You don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of practice", and if he's practicing this "jump ball" throwing technique, what's there to be confident about?
  2. This is me not giving a sh--...
  3. That would almost make me change my mind...except that I'm sure it was an accident and you won't do it again.
  4. Enough footage since last year, numbnuts. I've seen a good bit from camp, this year and last, that makes me seriously question his ability. But hey, feel free to dismiss my opinion because it's based on what I've seen from him. I'm sure your completely uninformed judgement is far superior.
  5. Yeah, Rick Mirer's college performance carried over well. As did Ryan Leaf's. And Akili Smith's. Todd Collins'. If college performance were that good a predictor, there'd be no such thing as a "first-round bust".
  6. Well...as a matter of fact, I cringe at the DOMA or PATRIOT Act as well...though I'll give the PATRIOT Act points for being an acronym for the phrase that describes what it actually is...then detract points for giving it a name designed to reduce to the acronym "PATRIOT". But the whole "ban on stem cell research" really irks me, simply because it frames the debate in the terms of "should stem cell research be performed or not", when the real issue is "should new embryonic stem cell lines be created to further the research that's already being performed". Anyone with half a brain can dig up and comprehend the actuality of the PATRIOT Act or DOMA or the GWOT...distinguishing the real issues behind the federal stem cell policy and making an even remotely informed judgement on stem cell research requires closer to three-quarters of a brain, which effectively prohibits most of the American public from being able to judge the issue properly.
  7. I'm not. There's not twenty people in the country who actually understand the meaning of "public health".
  8. ...because college success is a clear indicator of future NFL success...
  9. It is what it is. Calling it what it isn't in an effort to manipulate people is stupid.
  10. It's less amazing when you consider the the Bills' official board makes this group look like a meeting of Rhodes scholars.
  11. That's an awfully inappropriate question.
  12. Actually, Gandy's already been cut and re-signed. TD's working overtime...
  13. And if I've done that? Personally - and being totally serious here now - I couldn't care less whether Losman walked on water in camp or not. I've seen enough footage going back to his play last season to have serious concerns about his technique, in particular his disconcerting habit of throwing off his front foot or, worse, off no feet (I saw footage of about a dozen plays from camp yesterday where he jumped in the air to throw). He looks like someone trying to do an impression of John Elway and failing at it. So in the absence of Mularkey and Wyche stapling Losman's feet to the turf, you'll pardon me if I'm a little bit pessimistic.
  14. Everyone who doesn't like Losman, off the bandwagon. We're upsetting Ramius. I've been a Bills fan through bigger disasters than Losman, I'll be a Bills fan while he's the QB, and I'll be a Bills fan three years from now when he's gone.
  15. Either way, a QB who can't QB ain't a QB.
  16. You forgot one of his best... "Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe. "
  17. Oh, good. Because I want to see our quarterback running all the way down the field for scores.
  18. Yeah, Bolton's going to cure ALL of Africa's social ills...
  19. No fried pasta or pickle juice? Forget it, you're screwed...
  20. That much I'll agree with. I don't agree with the restriction at all...but considering that the federal government last year spent a half-billion dollars on stem cell research, calling it a total ban is a gross mischaracterization. Either that, or a half-billion dollars was completely misappropriated.
  21. Uh-oh...someone's repressing...
  22. Non-existent? C'mon, it's not a ban on stem cell research, it's a ban on using federal funds to do research on new lines of embryonic stem cells. Some people aren't doing the research they'd like because of it, but no one's not doing any research. And the US government still spends more on stem cell research than the rest of the world combined. So let's be clear about the REAL issue here: the US government won't allow researchers to establish new lines of embryonic stem cells using federal money. That's a far narrower restriction than the total ban everyone likes to pretend exists...
  23. But if they've already been born, and they're not yours, and it's 350 of them...well, let's withhold judgement until interviews him... Yeah, I know YOU were being sarcastic...but there's more outright stupidity in this single thread than I remember seeing in any past three PPP threads.
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