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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Was that the stupid 3-yard TD run from the 4, "We thought his helmet was the ball" touchdown? As I recall, the Thanksgiving coin-toss Pittsburgh screw-job in Detroit fiasco was around the same time. All in all, not a great season for refs. The "just give it to them game" was the biggest pile of steaming dog feces I've ever seen from the NFL, though.
  2. Wow. You really put me in my place with that.
  3. You're an idiot. I'm Evander Holyfield's podiatrist, and I can say with authority that his right foot pronation is virtually non-existent.
  4. Of course it's nonsense. I just want an excuse to be mad at him, so I made it up. Like his being a moron wasn't excuse enough.
  5. Let me add this: I think he'll end up being a bust, but I hope he's a bust like Trent Dilfer. Save the going to another team to get his Superbowl ring, of course...
  6. Yeah, the video doesn't exist. I'm making it up, just so I can be mad at you. You don't happen to attend Kean University, do you?
  7. Actually, Joe Montana was never partuclarly well-regarded coming out of college. The Niners only took him in the third round, at least, and while his stats at Notre Dame weren't bad, they weren't shoot-out-the-lights impressive, either. And as I recall, there were questions early in McNabb's career about whether he'd make it or not. And mentioning Peyton Manning, who was drafted a spot above Ryan Leaf, just shows what a crap shoot college performance is. Leaf's and Manning's performance was broadly comparable (3-1 TD-INT ratio, Leaf had a slightly better yards per attempt and slightly worse completion percentage), they were taken successively in the draft, one failed miserably and one succeeded wildly. If college performance were THAT great a predictor, they would both still be starters.
  8. Private footage of someone who attended camp. I don't recall how many plays total, but it was a good length of film. QBs who don't plant their feet when they throw worry me, is all. Used to be that was a bad thing, now the vogue is to excuse it by calling them "mobile". But bad passing technique is bad passing technique...and as a point of fact, I think Michael Vick is a lousy QB as well, for precisely that reason. But then, I also thought Todd Collins would be successful. It's not like I'm infallible...
  9. The FDA's no better and no worse than any other government program. Of course, I strongly suspect you'd love to see most government programs go away anyway...
  10. And London police have already shot the wrong suspect...
  11. Ziegler signed with the Giants. Parker, I believe, signed with KC.
  12. Clearly my subtle humor, like most things, went over your head...
  13. Fine. I apologize for having an opinion. I bow to your infinite wisdom masquerading as a schoolgirl crush.
  14. No, elsewhere. I'm not precluded from sharing it...but frankly, I don't think it's worth the effort, as the "Losman as savior/goat" debate isn't all that important to me (yes, I'm discussing it here...but this is only the second time I've deigned to share my opinion on him since he was drafted, and frankly it's starting to bore me anyway). I've seen what I've seen, you've seen what you've seen...ultimately, we'll see who's right in a couple of years. Or, more accurately, you'll see I'm right in a couple of years.
  15. My recollection is that Parker wasn't coming back, not that the front office cut him. My recollection could be wrong, however. But I'm not wrong in saying that Dickerson caused a lot of problems with his anti-Parker rants. Ruben Brown was essentially forced to cancel his appearances on Dickerson's show because of peer pressure from the rest of the OL over Dickerson's constant bashing of Parker. I've heard - and it wouldn't surprise me in the least - that Parker basically said "I want out of this market and away from this guy." And I couldn't really blame him, either.
  16. Clearly, then, Gitmo is producing terrorists. They must have been treated awfully badly to have been motivated to fight the US upon their release...
  17. Sky News says the "all clear" has already been sounded. It's apparently nothing.
  18. Well, in dundy249's defense, I believe Chuck Dickerson's radio rants were primarily responsible for running off Glenn Parker. So it HAS happened that know-it-all fans (one at least, who has the credential of once being a position coach) have run off at least one player before.
  19. How about someone who can plant and throw. Rob Johnson threw frozen ropes in practice, too...when game-time came, his footwork killed him. Even today's "mobile" QBs, when they run, plant their feet before they throw...if they're any good.
  20. I thought that was intentional...maybe some sort of overly subtle pun where he was crying fowl. Doesn't explain, though, what a "tern of phase" is, though...
  21. Camp footage. If I could specifically identify the plays (i.e. this tape, this many seconds in to this specific play) I would. If you have any ideas how I can identify them to you over a message board, feel free to share them...
  22. In the know-it-all fans' defense, I don't think Ziggy was ever going to be very successful here. His moving on was probably better for everybody.
  23. Oooooh...he's got a cannon arm. That's going to do him a hell of a lot of good when his feet are twelve inches off the ground. I can't wait to see a lot of 80-yard bombs that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. But I love these arguments. I give my opinion, I give my reasons for my opinion, and the counter-argument I get is "Losman is the savior! Shut up! You're a stupid-head!" Does anyone who believes Losman will be successful have a reason for their belief that doesn't involve sounding like a giddy little schoolgirl?
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