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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Know that old saying that every joke has a piece of truth in it?


    Well, even if it *was* a prank, Foley had to have shown signs that he would be willing and able to be rather perverted for the kids to even think of egging him on.


    Most 16 year old boys wouldn't be sitting there going, "hmm, I wonder if Congressman Foley likes boys around my age, lemme measure my penis and see what he says"



    Did I say it excused Foley's actions?


    Even if it were some sort of prank, it would still be highly likely that Foley initiated it. I can't see Congressional pages sitting around saying "Hey, let's send suggestive emails to Congressmen Foley, and see how he responds..."

  2. NOthing bad with biased - just be up front with it. Don't say your "fair and balanced."


    However, bias is not the problem I have with the picture. Lying is the problem I have. The stupid CNN article posted by VABills was not lying.



    "Fair and Balanced" does not mean "Truthful and Accurate".


    Really, the problem seems to be less Fox's and more yours: you expect them to hold to a standard they just can't meet. FoxSnooze is what it is: incompetent, unprofessional bull sh--.

  3. Maybe we should ask Rep Foley if it was a crime since he was the one who pushed through the bill to make internet sex chats with minors illegal.  :lol:



    Have you read the bill? It's HR 4472. The applicable federal criminal code is Title 18 Chapter 109A.


    If you can tell me unequivocably that what he did was illegal...that would make you more knowledgable than most of the lawyers I discussed it with.

  4. And the award for the most stupid weasel goes to Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah.


    Cannon: Teens "egging on" Foley in online sex scandal



    Actually, there have been reports that the pages were basically messing with Foley...basically trying to see how lewd and perverted they could get him to act.


    Which doesn't excuse Foley, of course...he's still a cretin. And this story's hit the point where people usually start coming out of the woodwork with weird, unsubstantiated stories anyway.

  5. Which brings up the obvious question of just how many pages do you need for a book? It has to be more than three or four. Looks to me like they may be throwing the pamphlet at him.



    Actually, at this point it looks like they're throwing the book at Hastert, for not following the non-existent procedures not outlined for dealing with this situation. :lol:


    How many people really believe this is about the safety and well-being of 16-year old Congressional pages? :devil:

  6. This is truly disgusting, i can't believe that Foley would be going after 16 year old boys like that. I hope he gets the book thrown at him instead a pardon from Pres. Bush.



    Will someone please point me to this "book" that's supposed to be thrown at him. Because "thou shalt not hit on 16 year old boys" isn't written into DC statutes, federal statutes, or even the Congressional ethics manual. It is in Florida law...but I haven't yet seen where FL has jurisdiction.

  7. That raises Orwellian concerns that this outlet is the propaganda arm of this government (which many thought before).



    The problem with conspiracy theories like this is that they're predicated on a whole bunch of people involved to be endlessly clever.


    I think you'll find that the facts usually fit just as well if not better if you assume that everyone involved to be endlessly stupid, as well.

  8. Accordig to Kathryn Harris, after expressing her repulsion to what Foley did, the most important thing for "us" to do, is to figure out which Democrats knew about this, so we can make sure that children are not being used as political pawns...this lady is amazing!  How anyone here, or anywhere, can still hold to the myth that one of these parties is less sleazy or corrupt than the other is way beyond me... :D



    That is just !@#$ing amazing doubletalk. I mean, really, it's artwork. You almost don't catch that she wants to exploit the pages herself to ensure they're not being exploited by the Democrats. Absolutely brilliant.


    Totally disgusting...but I can't help but admire the subtlety of the paradoxical hypothetical syllogism...

  9. I think this is probably the greatest post in the history of TBD.

    Bravo Tom!  :w00t:  :lol:  :P



    I got a million of 'em...


    214 - Lori: "Tom Sestak, in his career with the Buffalo Bills, changed 17 light bulbs. His best season was 1964, when he changed 8 light bulbs."


    215 - Wacka: "It's Clinton's fault."


    216 - \GBID/: "Oh, those wacky lightbulbs..."


    217 - Alaska Darin: "It's the government's fault."


    218 - Pyrite Gals: A post on light bulbs so long that you never finish reading it, because the light bulb's burned out again before you're done.


    219 - Navy Bills Fan: "I've got 7000 video tapes of light bulbs. My favorite light bulb burned out today. I started crying. I couldn't help it."

  10. 208 -- buckeyemike to make the final post in the thread.  :lol:



    209 - VABills to misspell "light blub" (sic) and explain that it's not actually misspelled, that's just how Marines spell it.


    210 - BF in Indiana: "I don't care if you're an electrician, if it takes you less than an hour to screw in a light bulb, you're not doing it right!"


    211 - NJ Sue: "Does anyone know where I can find light-bulb changing instructions on the internet?"


    212 - "Funny thing about light bulbs; it's actually not the bulb that gives off the light, it's the filament inside them. So they should actually be called 'light filaments'..." That would be me, of course. :w00t:


    213 - Ed: "I don't use light bulbs. I use candles. It keeps me in touch with my sensitive, feminine side."

  11. You can't have it both ways. If numbers are the true indicator that you suggest, then Clinton is worse then Bush (for the NASDAQ falling the way it did). If numbers are not the true indicator, then why are you stating above that Clinton had a "record high" stock market in 2000?



    Normal people can't have it both ways. He's an economist.

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