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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Doesn't sound like a down-draft, as it looks like it ran off the end of the runway rather than hit early. Probably weather-related or pilot error that caused it to touch down either very fast or very late (towards the middle of the runway).
  2. Right. If you can't win the argument, call the arguer a homosexual. And it's not "clown". It's "NASA Manager".
  3. It's not unusual for accidents of this type for a lot more people to survive than you'd expect. A combination of low (relatively) impact speeds and the fact that airplanes on landing are running closer to empty than full, which reduces the severity of the fire.
  4. Yeah, you're sure putting me in my place. What are you, an eight year old?
  5. Good point, I hadn't considered that. Mea maxima culpa.
  6. In other words...Leaf's college performance was NOT a predictor of success in the NFL. That's pretty much what you just said. Leaf and Manning had comparable college numbers, but played in different systems and had different character. And you're saying that the systems and their character were the determining factor...that almost sounds like you agree with me. But then of course there's McNabb...who performed in college and, near as I could ever tell, was of good character, but played in yet another system. So maybe it IS college performance that's a predictor, along with character... Or, like I said, it's a crap-shoot...in that there are no predictors, just general tendencies on which you place your bets and take your chances. And ultimately, the guy performs on the field...or not.
  7. We're not that bad... ...you have had your shots, haven't you?
  8. Somehow, in some way, someone right now is trying to blame this on George Bush. Which, of course, we all know is a fallacy. It's TD's fault, that bastard...
  9. Not entirely. I do have serious questions about Losman's ability and believe that he's more likely to be a bust than not. But ultimately, he'll do whatever he does, and being told repeatedly that for having an opinion I'm just a big ol' meanie who doesn't know what he's talking about by other people who don't know what they're talking about either suits my sense of irony.
  10. The difference being that you can profile middle-aged white men. But profile a black single mother, and it's a civil rights violation.
  11. Did I ask you to? Do I even care? No, not really. So take your holier-than-thou lack of an opinion and shove it. I'm just expressing what I think, not trying to convince anyone to agree with me.
  12. London police armed for the first time in their careers? I'd run...
  13. Not to worry. The hot pocket's got better footwork. But what about the friggin' turkey vultures????
  14. Yes, literally the rule has nothing to do with possession. However, the effect is the same: a player who is knocked unconscious and fumbles can maintain possession of the ball if he falls out of bounds. It is a singularly screwed up rule.
  15. 7000 hours? Why, BF could almost cook a meal in that time...
  16. Even better...that rule means that an unconscious player can maintain possession only if he's unconscious out of bounds. An unconscious player in bounds cannot maintain possession. How thoroughly screwed-up a rule is that?
  17. I've seen hours of film that demonstrate conclusively that the snake has better footwork than Losman. Of course, I can't share the film...but I've seen it...
  18. What the hell is wrong with people today? Christ, Rich, are you that !@#$ing retarded?
  20. I want to know what he was doing in the Adirondacks instead of camp. If we're lucky, though, he'll turn to TSW for medical advice.
  21. Speaking for DC Tom, I resent being lumped in with those other three bubbleheads.
  22. You're right. You are insulting my intelligence.
  23. In Japan it happened rather quickly, as The Emperor "supported" the US occupation, which gave it divine legitimacy, and MacArthur's governance of Japan was rather enlightened. In Germany...I don't really know, but I suspect the Russian threat to the east gave the West Germans additional motivation to accept foreign troops. In any case, I'd say both were special cases, and probably the exception rather than the rule. The rule, I'd think, is more like Vietnam, Napoleonic Spain, the USSR in Afghanistan...
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