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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Oooh...another MENSA member here. You carpool to the meetings with BF?
  2. Short Bus Frittatas Indiana Goat Humpers Yes, they're real teams...
  3. Hell, if I had to spend as much time near you as you do, I'd need to be hammered to enjoy it too...
  4. No, there should NOT be an open competition. The job should be given to Holcomb, because Losman doesn't have the skills to be an NFL QB.
  5. No. That would mean the starting receivers would be a raw rookie and a sophmore player, and the most experienced receivers on the team would be Josh Reed and Drew Haddad. And all that with an inexperienced 2nd-year QB.
  6. I agree with you and Rico. "Hunter Field at..." just seems distastefully pandering to me.
  7. You'd be funny if you weren't so sad. BiB doesn't just discuss this crap on a message board. He does this sh-- for a living. You know better than him...because you can spell "methylphenidate" and use it correctly in a sentence? You're either doing one hell of an impression of Hogboy, or you've sincerely reached a level of stupidity that surpasses even RiO.
  8. Hey, be nice, he's Special Forces. Most likely the Very Special Forces.
  9. The EU's trying to legislate a dress code now? WTF?
  10. G2 is one of the biggest loads of crap out there...and WorldNetDaily gets most of its terrorist-related stories from G2, largely because they're both run by the same people. Ergo, WorldNetDaily is as big a load of crap as G2. And that story is so ludicrous it's nauseating.
  11. Normally I might agree with you...but digging into his adoption records is pretty damned low, I think. That's not too far removed from attacking his kids.
  12. Take that nonsense back to Saudi Arabia, you bin Laden apologist...
  13. And if Fox could get away with it, they would. The Times is hardly the only media outlet seduced by the profit margins of tabloid journalism...
  14. Yes, he over-estimates the value of Science and Nature (and their objectivity on environmental issues - while the quality of their papers is good, anti-global warming papers have much less a chance of being published than pro-global warming ones). But at least he's referencing actual scientific research. Your blind dismissal of peer reviewed publications in favor of newsprint shows what a fool you are.
  15. I've always heard that could happen, but my aim was never good enough...
  16. Freddie Blitzedonscotch? No, different guy...
  17. I remember Dave Tape Dispenser. Great possession receiver, never dropped a pass, it was like the ball just stuck to his hands...
  18. Sounds more like you're a lapsed Republican. What the hell's an "independant", anyway?
  19. Garrett Morris on SNL: "I'm gonna buy me a shotgun, and kill all the whiteys I see..."
  20. I don't believe how utterly looney this week is. This statement, unutterably stupid at any other time, seems almost sane this week.
  21. Of course, that's rather like saying BF is the smartest retard on the short bus. It's tough NOT to be the most environmentally responsible president when you're competing against the likes of Reagan, Bush I, or Howdy Doody.
  22. Extreme examples of deforestation in rain forests would be pretty evident, I'd think. So would the continuing southward march of the Sahara...not that there's anything we can do about that.
  23. Bull sh--. I'm arrogant.
  24. Administration policy on Iraq as it relates to the GWOT is to fight the Wahhabists? Thanks for demonstrating so conclusively that it's possible to support the invasion of Iraq and still not have a !@#$ing clue as to why it happened.
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