So what? Just because helmets aren't mandatory doesn't meant that NOT wearing one is mandatory. Those are the kind of laws I'd like to see repealed...sure, I think anyone who rides a motorcycle without a helmet is an idiot, but I also think that people have the right to be idiots. Anyone who wants to ride without a helmet should be allowed to...but their families shouldn't B word about it when they get their skulls caved in.
Stay on topic? What topic would that be, "motorcycle riders who don't wear helmets are idiots"? Or "people who drive cars around motorcycles are idiots"? Take your own advice...
Yes, I read the whole post. Though it didn't approach the level of brain-damaged moronicity of "Downloading movies is legal because it's illegal but not enforcable", it still conclusively proved that at least one motorcycle rider is stupid.
"According to police, the man, who police are not identifying, was intoxicated when they arrived on scene."
What a...surprise. To be perfectly honest, had he been sober I would have been REALLY worried.
"You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, you put your left foot in and you shake it all about...'
Because I always wanted to be the bastard that interrupted a moment of silence with the "Hokey Pokey"...
As though any schmoe with a pulse can get into the pros. Athletic ability and a brain are prerequisites for even being considered as camp fodder. QBs that perform at "reasonably high" levels have exceptional ability and brains.