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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Only a little bit? I must be slipping.
  2. I'd respond...but judging by the thunder outside God must be mad at me, so I have to go hide under the bed.
  3. Compassion for Stockdale? Why? Save your compassion for people who actually changed the world, like Hunter Kelly...
  4. Ah...but who'll direct the movie? Obviously there needs to be some Intelligent Design in there somewhere. Really...you'd think anyone who'd ever had anything resembling a conversation with BF_in_Indiana wouldn't have the least bit of doubt that we evolved from monkeys.
  5. If they agree to that request, it may very well be the final straw that puts me off football for good.
  6. A ridiculous complaint by a somewhat psychotic former poster (TennesseeBoy, might be in the archives) who used to harp on the fact (among others) that Bush was reading a story about a goat in an elementary school classroom when the planes hit the WTC, as though he was supposed to drop the book and shout "Sancho! My armor!" the moment anything happened...
  7. I fail to see how that's any less arrogant than "Evolution MUST be false because if it were true we wouldn't be special!"
  8. Then whitewash it with whatever term you chose to use. "The Intelligent Designer did it." And thank God I didn't simplify it any further. You misunderstood me so badly with what I DID present, I shudder to think of how confused you'd be if I really tried to explain things to you. Apparently, some of us have not evolved as far from monkeys as others have...
  9. Variation in the simian genome from species to species good enough for you? Probably not...that would require actual understanding, whereas it's much easier to whitewash it with "God did it". "If humans evolved from apes, then why are there apes?" Christ, that's so !@#$ing stupid you shouldn't even need it explained.
  10. Uh, because evolution is a repeatable, observable, natural phenomenon? Ask anyone who's ever cultured E. Coli.
  11. You don't mean "lack of results", you mean "my expectations aren't being filled". But frankly, no one gives a sh-- about your expectations for Iraq.
  12. Almost certainly. Problem is the Bush administration doesn't have the first clue how to market it. I'll bet, though, that if you search the links BiB's provided, you'll find at the very least references to the applicable policy.
  13. Okay, so I take back the part about the non-sequiter...but two billion people in the world with no access to clean water, and the Peace Corps is expending their energy on internet access? That's just stupid...
  14. Given the financial state of the US auto industry, it's probably just GM torching their plants for the insurance money...
  15. Sincerely...best of luck to you. Really, I mean it. I'm only laughing because going from Network Administration to the Peace Corps is the non-sequiter to end all non-sequiters.
  16. He's a personal friend of mine, and I'm not even buying that line...
  17. It just occurred to me, too, that helmet laws may very well have increased the medical costs of motorcycle riding, simply because people that cave their heads in are much less likely to require medical care than those that break every bone in their body BUT they're skull. Yes, there's some hyperbole there...but everyone I personally know who's ever ridden a motorcycle has 1) incurred at least a six-figure hospital bill, and 2) would have incurred NO hospital bill if they weren't wearing a helmet, as they'd have been dead at the scene. I suspect if anyone ever bothered to do a study of it, they'd be surprised at how much motorcycle helmets do NOT decrease medical costs...
  18. Fine with me. You don't want to wear a seat belt in a car, that's your business. Whether or not you accept the risk of having your brains splattered all over the windshield is your business, not the government's.
  19. Of course, when election laws are the issue, they don't even go that far...
  20. My Rob Johnson jersey was in the wash...
  21. Of course, that just results in the Democrats being the majority party, and the Republicans having to rely on the Democrats to keep doing what they're doing to get their majority back...and the cycle continues...
  22. Sad thing is, we both know you're not nearly as upset at being called a midget as you are at being mentioned in a post with BF...
  23. Then that's me next to you too. Can't you all recognize me?
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