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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Can I answer that? No. In fact, I can see where an Iraq with close ties to both the US and Iran could help stabilize the region. And I don't pee my pants at the phrase "Islamic Republic" like most of you xenophobes do...
  2. Because "Bush bad". Didn't you get the memo?
  3. The Iraq-ization of the conflict was always part of the plan, of that I have no doubt. I always thought it was a rather pollyanna part of the plan, considering the sociopolitical history of the entire region...but at the very least they went in with that idea in mind, and won't pull it out of their ass halfway through things in an attempt to candy-coat a withdrawal as victory.
  4. 22. Answer your cell phone with "I've got to take this, it's my wife..."
  5. Incisive comment. I know enough people directly involved with the subject that I'm pretty sure there IS an endgame...though hell if I know what it is.
  6. Which was not a horrible idea... But it was horribly implemented.
  7. "It doesn't make sense on its own, but if you read other stuff that doesn't make sense it will."
  8. You are the LAST person here who should be mouthing off about self-righteousness, Rich.
  9. It's called talking to you at your level.
  10. And don't forget the thousands of idiots on message boards around the world who tell the front office precisely how to do their jobs hundreds of times a day...
  11. Wednesday is Silly and Unfocused. Has been for a LOOOOOOONG time.
  12. Something tells me Rich doesn't see where they're even remotely similar...
  13. Duh. Because candles and matches are a terrorist threat, and aren't allowed on carry-on.
  14. Didn't know that, though I guess it makes sense. What I was trying to say. You want to squeeze more gas out of maxed-out refineries, you have to refine oil that has a "greater amount of gasoline" in it (yeah, I know that's way unscientific...I can't remember the chemistry off the top of my head)...which drives up demand for light sweet crude. Basically, it's a complicated subject, where oil can drive gas prices or vice-versa. But of course everyone's an expert anyway, because they heard something on the news...
  15. Another point no one ever mentions: oil isn't all the same. Some makes "better" gasoline than others. With refinery capacity practically maxed, the only way to squeeze more gas out of the refining process is to refine the lighter low-sulfur oil...which means demand for that type goes up, because the lack of refinery capacity is driving the demand for it.
  16. MJ didn't get off because the jury was stocked with stupid people. He got off because the prosecution was stocked with stupid people. Consider this: they charged with child molestation a man who publically admitted he sleeps with underaged boys, and they still couldn't convince 12 people who believe he's a child molester that he's a child molester. Yes, Jackson got off when he shouldn't have (double entendre not intended), but put the blame where it belongs. The jury, amazingly, actually managed to do their jobs properly.
  17. Under optimum conditions, it takes about 48-72 hours to freeze a body solid, anyway. Don't ask me how I know that.
  18. As opposed to a Picard-loving nihilist?
  19. Bill Clinton - twice. George W. Bush - twice. No, I don't really wonder.
  20. It's because demand for Doritos in China is so high...
  21. Every day somebody dies. So let's make every day Memorial Day.
  22. Yeah, he pretty much said most of those. Scary, isn't it? I always figured Quayle was just assassination insurance for Bush I.
  23. Lots of people READ CNN. It's called a web site. It tends to get a little more in-depth into stories, too, not being constrained by the top and bottom of the hour and commercial breaks. Really, this little statement of yours goes a long way towards explaining why we're so contemptous of you.
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