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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Until I read it in a peer-reviewed journal, it's crap. Cavitation in acetone causes deuterium to fuse...but no gamma radiation? Sure, whatever...
  2. Menudo? Not that I'm even remotely a fan of the rest of the acts you listed...but I think that's giving Menudo a little too much credit.
  3. You know, I respect that honesty a hell of a lot more than I do "You're just a big JERK and I'm going to dump a beer on your head, you JERK!"
  4. Google is your friend. http://www.classicbands.com/rollers.html Planter's Nuts is using one of their songs in commercials now..."Gonna keep on dancin' to the rock and roll/On Saturday night, Saturday night..." God, I actually used to like that song. In my defense, I was only five at the time.
  5. Though significantly more that went into the naming of it than in the actual cooking of it...
  6. Maintaining a position after David Duke issues a statement supporting you is as clear a sign of clinical insanity as any other...
  7. Ironically, it's the Republican funding cuts in social programs that's keeping him from getting the help he so badly needs...
  8. You know, I'd expected someone to get stupid on this topic, but I was certain it was going to come from the Posse Comitatus angle. Rich's little conspiracy theory musing is a real surprise, with entertainment value marred only by the fact that he's actually serious.
  9. Why are you even trying to discuss it with him? You know better.
  10. Actually, if you call ahead and arrange it (i.e. when you make reservations), good restaurants will sometimes accommodate you, depending on local liquor laws. Never actually tried it in the DC area, but I know someone who did just that back in NY.
  11. Why? Usually they eat up that sort of junk "science"...
  12. Never caught this the first time around... How can you tell when a retatta's made incorrectly? It tastes good?
  13. That reminds me...where is The Dean these days?
  14. And who buys oil? Bush and his cronies...
  15. Like information regarding Iraq's impending purchase of uranium from Africa... And don't forget the rather significant price on bin Laden's head that seems to be accomplishing pretty much nothing. The people who'd actually have the information you want are the people who'd proabably not be motivated by cash.
  16. Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't be abused either.
  17. First thing I think of when I read this is all the Indians that were assaulted after 9/11. "Stop beating on him, you morons! He's a !@#$ing Hindu!"
  18. I met him at the first Hunter's Hope Ball. Very nice guy, very funny, very smart.
  19. But allow me to play devil's advocate and suggest that it'll accomplish a little more than banning nail clippers in carry-on luggage. False sense of security? Nah, we can't have that...
  20. Ein Fuehrer, ein Volk, ein Reich! Get with the program here, Mickey...
  21. Uh-huh. Because the popular revolt against the Shah and the constitutional process in Iraq are obviously the same thing.
  22. And if I had a penny for every time you had a discussion...I'd have a penny.
  23. 12. End every sentence with "...in accordance with the prophecy."
  24. 18. "No, I think Michael Jackson's behavior is perfectly normal..."
  25. Probably...but I'd labelled the administration's Iraq policy a pretty significant failure from the moment they waged aggressive war against a soverign nation. In fact, I'm surprised things are going so well since. And by any rational standard, if this situation results in a stable Islamic Republic also rooted in western philosophy and cordial to us, I'd consider that a HUGE win in that it would demonstrate to the Islamic world that Islam and the West are reconcilable and compatible, and the Jihad/Crusade is not a foregone conclusion. Yeah, I know that's not likely... As for women's rights...I'm far to cynical to believe that a country who's a big believer in religious freedom but can't even write women's rights into its own constitution should be telling another country to put it in theirs in violation of their own religious expression, never mind the fact that that kind of social change has to evolve from within, not be forced from without. It's not that it isn't a noble goal, it's that it's not even remotely a realistic one.
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