Probably...but I'd labelled the administration's Iraq policy a pretty significant failure from the moment they waged aggressive war against a soverign nation. In fact, I'm surprised things are going so well since. And by any rational standard, if this situation results in a stable Islamic Republic also rooted in western philosophy and cordial to us, I'd consider that a HUGE win in that it would demonstrate to the Islamic world that Islam and the West are reconcilable and compatible, and the Jihad/Crusade is not a foregone conclusion. Yeah, I know that's not likely...
As for women's rights...I'm far to cynical to believe that a country who's a big believer in religious freedom but can't even write women's rights into its own constitution should be telling another country to put it in theirs in violation of their own religious expression, never mind the fact that that kind of social change has to evolve from within, not be forced from without. It's not that it isn't a noble goal, it's that it's not even remotely a realistic one.