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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. 30%? No sh--? All I recall about his presidential campaign was accusations that his organization was collecting homeless people off the streets, bussing them to the polls and offering them $10 and a hot meal to vote for him. I always kind of assumed the accusations were true...because frankly, I can't imagine any other reason anyone would vote for him.
  2. Is there something in the water today?
  3. Actually, he was serious. Since the vests are worn around the torso and meant to direct the blast horizontally rather than vertically, the head and legs/feet are oft times found intact.
  4. Everyone sing along now... "Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Body..."
  5. Oh, well THAT makes it okay then. Chavez: "You're inferior to me and I don't like you." Robertson: "I'll kill you, mutha!@#$a."
  6. And Pat Robertson's never had followers modelling the latest in Semtex fashion, either. Robertson may be a loon, and the fact that people listen to him may be scary, but has anyone who takes Robertson seriously ever done anything more than send him money?
  7. Yeah, Milosevic was threatening Romania and Bulgaria. What planet are you from?
  8. Makes me wish I knew some Muslims, so I could fill out subscription cards for Soldier of Fortune to Mr. "Murderous Islamic Pig" and have it sent to them... Like it's Chase's responsibility to keep !@#$s like me from doing that...
  9. But that's different. Bush is bad.
  10. Milosevic was going to dominate a region and take over a huge land mass? What would that be, Macedonia? Albania? Please. Go be stupid somewhere else.
  11. To misquote Robin Williams: "It's !@#$ing chemotherapy, you stupid frogs!"
  12. Those friggin' gay Palestinians are a menace, I tell you...
  13. Underage drinking at a college? Why, that NEVER happens...those Clintons are rotten, I tell you...
  14. I vaguely recall a silent thread for him, though, so maybe he died. A shame...he was a snakebit Adirondak hiker who changed the world...
  15. No. But he does blame it (and the loss of Columbia) on God's wrath at Bush's flagging support for Israel. Robertson's a !@#$ing looney. That people actually take him seriously scares the living sh-- out of me.
  16. Yes, sadly, this is what we've become. A society that values anecdotes from weird conspiracy message boards over hard news.
  17. I believe the ability to make dozens of people wait for you shoes at a cost of thousands of dollars a minute is known as a "perk". Every administration has stupid nonsense like that going on. I used to know a guy in White House Signals under Clinton; Chelsea's slumber parties were apparently a royal pain in the ass for the Secret Service...
  18. He'd actually posted a follow-up, but it was deleted.
  19. And in their defense...given the qualty of the last 4 starting QBs, looking for a messiah is perfectly understandable.
  20. Great. Now you're going to be burned at the stake by the "JP Losman is the Messiah" club...
  21. Of course, when you take your 52 hours vacation, your job doesn't get packed into a couple of C-5s and follow you.
  23. Well...I was in a good mood when I called you that. I really meant "B word".
  24. You are scandalously ignorant, you know that? Why do you THINK we fought two wars against Iraq in thirteen years? Oh yeah. Israel and oil. Did you read the ENTIRE sentence, or just that clause? Try reading the ENTIRE sentence, not just part. Again, the ENTIRE sentence. That means, instead of starting in the middle and reading until you get confused, you start at the beginning and go ALL the way through to the end. Maybe with a dictionary on hand to help you with the big words. Christ, I can't believe you apply this bull sh-- logic to one situation, deny it's identical application in another, and then call me an idiot when I parrot your reasoning back at you. IT'S YOUR REASONING, NUMBNUTS. Not mine. If you don't understand it...well, that would pretty much explain why you don't know what you're talking about then, wouldn't it?
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