You are scandalously ignorant, you know that? Why do you THINK we fought two wars against Iraq in thirteen years?
Oh yeah. Israel and oil.
Did you read the ENTIRE sentence, or just that clause? Try reading the ENTIRE sentence, not just part. Again, the ENTIRE sentence. That means, instead of starting in the middle and reading until you get confused, you start at the beginning and go ALL the way through to the end. Maybe with a dictionary on hand to help you with the big words.
Christ, I can't believe you apply this bull sh-- logic to one situation, deny it's identical application in another, and then call me an idiot when I parrot your reasoning back at you. IT'S YOUR REASONING, NUMBNUTS. Not mine. If you don't understand it...well, that would pretty much explain why you don't know what you're talking about then, wouldn't it?