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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. What's more, one company's oil can be shipped to another's refinery (on a third's tankers, though the tendency these days is for oil companies to charter tankers rather than own them), refined - presumably mixed with other companies' oil as well, then trucked on another company's trucks to a bunch of different sole proprietorships that may or may not be affiliated with franchises. Nah, I must be wrong. The oil ExxonMobil pulls out of its Saudi wells is only used to create gasoline for ExxonMobil gas stations.
  2. I agree with you...except that nowadays, a jury'd be just as likely to find me negligent for letting an unsafe condition exist with the potential to cause injury. It has happened. And, of course, the solution there isn't a series of new laws, but educating people on the definition of "proximate cause".
  3. That's horribly disingenious, and you know better than that. The LAW distinguishes between personal property and real property. A car or jewelry is legally not the same as land. And even beyond that...real estate isn't portable. Had they awarded a car or jewelry or even cash, that's one thing. But awarding an illegal immigrant land...that's just a little strange, in that their status as illegal aliens means they can't legally occupy the land they legally own. I don't necessarily think it's wrong (I certainly don't in the xenophobic sense JSP does)...but I do think it's one of those wacky legal contradictions that seems to belong in the new Iraqi Constitution.
  4. It almost makes you understand why so many are pushing for sharia law in Iraq. It may be harsh...but at least it's consistent.
  5. Why stop there? He also thinks Losman's doing well, and hates Daddy Day Care, I'm sure. That's four counts...
  6. Especially when you have to throw a bone to every screaming nutcase whose neighbor owns a gun. I am, of course, talking about math, not constitutions.
  7. Actually, JSP specifically said "non-citizens" above. Which was pretty stupid, and entirely normal behavior from him. As for the rest of his argument, he'd probably do better calmly pointing out that the predicate act was, in fact, the complainant's illegal entry into the country and trespassing on private property, and it's pretty questionable (wrong, I believe) to hold others responsible for their actions. Seems like a better argument than his typical xenophobic "Keep the damned spics off my land!" nonsense.
  8. Not the US. You'd need more than one.
  9. You mean the world is actually <gasp> complicated????
  10. That is a seriously incronguous combination of words I'd never expected to see...
  11. He's on the Schwarzenegger ticket.
  12. They hunted for him for years while he's camping out in the Carolinas...and in the meantime, he's got cable TV?
  13. On the other hand, it was the WORST movie I've ever seen. Had they made it a documentary about penguins it might have been good. Instead, they spent two hours pretending penguins are nothing more than little people dressed in penguin suits and insulting my intelligence. That movie was so insipid that when it ended I was honestly disappointed that more of the little !@#$ers didn't freeze to death. Just my contrary opinion. And I actually liked penguins before I saw that movie.
  14. Right. Because McCain exists outside the political system.
  15. And Milosevic was a superpower. Christ, you're stupid.
  16. You also serve a London Broil with gravy. Somehow I'm not surprised...
  17. Great. Now he's going to counter with "Well, Iraq wasn't destabilizing to the Middle East, so why'd we invade them?", demonstrating once again that he's almost totally clueless...
  18. Well, what do you expect? It's a dessert oil.
  19. Some Wild Turkey and a mature Omani Special Blend? Though I hear the '03 vintage North Sea Brent is getting rave reviews...
  20. I'm rather surprised no one's gone for the Ron Mexico joke yet...
  21. None. I drink premium unleaded. It's cheaper.
  22. "I shouldn't have had that third helping of retatta..."
  23. Even at $67/bbl, it's still cheaper than a glass of milk or orange juice. Which, when you think about it, is really wrong.
  24. Yeah, after that he couldn't stomach another attempt. His heart wasn't in it anymore.
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