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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. $1758 just about covers the rent on my townhouse. Which is severly underpriced, by the way; it should be going for about $2200. To buy...my townhouse would go for around the mid-$400s. For a house in this area, you're probably looking at around $600k minimum for a decent one...and probably more.
  2. Donahoe made T-Bone throw a fit and storm off to mommy earlier today... ...although, if Donahoe were REALLY an evil bastard, he'd bring T-Bone back...
  3. And it never occurred to you that rolling in the mud with him doesn't reflect too well on you, either?
  4. Did Satan have a beginning or end? I think not...
  5. Let me guess...AKC and HollywoodDonahoe are having some preternaturally stupid argument again?
  6. 1) Yes. 2) Probably about the same. Alexandria may be a little higher, but coming from Hornell, you'd find either one exorbitant. 3) Yes. But if you're living in Northern VA commuting to Northern VA, you don't have to cross the Potomac, which makes it a little easier. Not much, but a little. 4) Probably a toss-up. Alexandria and Fairfax both have their good and bad areas. If you're happy with Hornell you'd probably prefer Fairfax just for it being more suburban than Alexandria.
  7. That's because you're a liberal. You're unrealistic and polyanna by definition.
  8. And I'm sure that really put 'em in their place, too.
  9. Endless occupation. Which isn't democracy, either. Frankly, I've always thought the justification of "democracy for Iraq" was total bull sh-- anyway. Akin to saying "You'll be a democratic society whether you want to or not!" Or worse: based in the unrealistically polyanna idea that anyone, once exposed to the Western liberal idea of democracy, will embrace it wholeheartedly to the exclusion of all else. It's not entirely unlike Victorian England's attitude to the colonial world..."But of course you'll accept our rule, once you understand what it's like to be subject to the British crown..." It's the same peculiar blind arrogance that, just because we accept it, everyone else must eventually come around to our point of view as well...
  10. No, they don't have rooms that big.
  11. Wow. Moore checks into fat camp. T-Bone checks out of TSW. It's just a grand day for fatasses everywhere, it seems...
  12. I can appreciate your laziness. I've been studying this for the past two weeks, and the more I learn about how oil is actually acquired and shipped, the more sincerely ignorant I become on the topic. It's so complex, it's probably not worth the answer anyway.
  13. Won't stop him from holding out. In fact, I'd think a long-term deal would make it MORE likely McGahee would hold out down the line, simply because the top dollar paid at the position league-wide is likely to escalate year-to-year faster than his contract will.
  14. The "why" of it's actually pretty easy: a stable Iraq in the US sphere of influence puts pressure on Iran and Syria and has the potential to stabilize the entire region, just through the fact of geographic location. But more importantly, an unstable Iraq at war with itself destabilizes the entire region, much the same way the Afghan civil war in the '90s caused problems for the Central Asian Republics (and Pakistan and even Iran). But I imagine an Iraqi civil war would be worse; rather than focused around shifting tribal alliances as in Afghanistan, it would be along clearly delineated ethnic borders, and I can't see how neighboring countries could avoid getting involved. When the Kurds and Iraqi Shi'ia start fighting, for example, how could Iran not avoid supporting the Shi'ites, and will Turkey deny its own Kurdish regions the ability to support the Iraqi Kurds (thus importing an Iraqi Civil War to its own soil, in effect), or turn a blind eye (risking direct conflict with Iran)? Syria will support the Ba'athist remnants, the Saudis the Sunni fundamentalists, everyone with a grudge agains Jordan will use western destabilized Iraq to attack them... Frankly, I kind of feel about the occupation the same way I feel about Musharraf ruling Pakistan. Yeah, it's hardly an ideal situation...but you really don't want to see the alternative.
  15. Don't see why...your office deals with your cross-dressing just fine...
  16. A former second-round pick? How come TD hasn't signed this guy yet????
  17. Just curious...where do you think the small mom-and-pop convenience store type places or small chain stations get their gas from? Magic pixies?
  18. Won't that kind of false piety confuse the targeting system when you bomb Pat Robertson's compound? Never liked that false piety targeting for just that reason. Not discriminating enough...
  19. Oh, come on. The Civil War was in the 19th century...that's 100 years. The 20th century is another hundred years. We're now in the 21st century, that's another hundred. That's three hundred years. Even you can follow that. Only you can follow that, in fact.
  20. Do me a favor...JSP's asking questions about how oil's bought at the wellhead and shipped. I took my best guess at an answer, which is pretty pathetic ("Well...it's complicated, and I don't understand it."). Go answer his question.
  21. And if so, isn't it subdivided (a'la North Sea light sweet crude)? 417643[/snapback] At the wellhead, yes. On the tankers, usually but I'm not sure it's always true. At the refinery...not necessarily. At the retailer, certainly not. You don't know if you're gasoline comes from Saudi or North Slope crude, after all, and it may very well come from both.
  22. 19th, 20th, 21st...that's three centuries. Three hundred years.
  23. Yeah, a whole three hundred years ago...
  24. Wow. They make us look smart. I've got to get a pair of those bull sh-- protectors for work.
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