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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. What the hell? Counting their profanity and talking to them when it hits an arbitrary number will improve their behavior? What committee of boneheads comes up with this Mickey Mouse sh--?
  2. I actually understood that. Although I question whether "lubricity" is actually a word.
  3. She. And no, not really. They're just sort of making it up as they go along at this point. Not that I'm criticizing - there's not a hell of a lot more they can do than ad lib; there's no real preparation for completely evacuating maybe 50k people from a flooded city with a shattered infrastructure.
  4. The governor of Louisiana just called for the evacuation of everyone left in New Orleans. CNN and FoxSnooze both reporting. Wow. We've just watched over the course of 72 hours the entire population of an American city become refugees. Holy sh--.
  5. It's a logarithmic curve. The actual values are the nearly straight lines towards the bottom of that graph, which show that the energy required to run the compressor goes down slightly with speed. Basically, they plotted two different graphs - kW/speed and log(kw)/speed - on the same scale, which is total bull sh--. You can't compare kilowatts to log(kilowatts). Like I said, sh-- study.
  6. That study would be just a little more impressive if any of the pretty multicolor graphs had a vertical scale labelled. But they're pretty multicolored graphs...they must be right.
  7. I don't have a plan...but I'd at least not get up in front of my constituency and say, in effect, "Holy sh--, we're !@#$ed..."
  8. I'm starting to think that he's maybe not the best leader in a crisis. Telling the truth is admirable...but phrasing it to bolster people's spirits is even more admirable.
  9. Talk about pissing on SDS's grave because he favors the mentally ill here... And really, if he did favor the mentally ill, why are those morons banned?
  10. While I'm perfectly comfortable with gallows humor...I don't think Poojer's post qualified strictly as "humor". And you should be banned for that miserable pun.
  11. Just the way I was brought up: you identify a problem, fine, but try to identify a solution as well. If you can't...it's still worthwhile to point out the problem, as someone else might be able to fix it. But don't B word "We have to do this differently" if you can't suggest what "differently" should be. Honestly? Many more deaths...if people had been told when they were evacuating that they were not just evacuating but effectively relocating, they wouldn't have left.
  12. "Risk analysis". The insurance companies need SOMETHING to give to their investors to forecast losses. The numbers may be wild-ass guesses (but pretty good ones, as these companies do nothing BUT study this stuff), but they're better than nothing if they keep the companies in regulatory compliance. Those also only refer to insured losses. Enviromental cleanup, for example, for the most part will not be covered by insurance. Flood damage isn't covered by most people's homeowners'. Actual losses will almost certainly be greater than the numbers reported now...
  13. Multiple failure was preordained. Most of the supporting infrastructure keeping the levees working (i.e. at their job of preventing flooding) was below sea level on the very flood plain it was all protecting. Once any part of the system failed, keeping the rest operating became a mammoth, probably Sysiphean, task. Bad design, if you ask me...but probably the best that could be done in the circumstances. Ultimately, I can't see a way of rectifying the situation without abandoning the city temporarily at least. Until the levees are reparied, power run in, the pumps made operational, and the city drained, it's too much of a public health nightmare to have people living there.
  14. They probably wrapped them all in government red tape. That sh--'s completely impenetrable.
  15. And do what? Seriously, how do you even begin to address an engineering problem of this magnitude? The mind boggles at the immensity of the task...
  16. I love idiots like that. What, they think an electrical appliance that's been submerged in water for more than a day is going to work?
  17. Hating FoxSnooze for what it is - nonsense - does not make one a liberal. Not recognizing it for crap does make one looney, however.
  18. Or, when BP and Exxon run low on supplies, the boycotted company will just sell their excess product to them...and you end up pumping Shell gasoline anyway, just from Exxon stations.
  19. Ah, spongebob...a cartoon character that changed the world. Christ, people...go donate some money to the Red Cross or Salvation Army or something. Stop arguing about this meaningless sh-- and go do something useful.
  20. Moron. It's not a liberal vs. conservative issue. It's a FoxSnooze sucks issue. If it makes you feel better, Dan Rather sucks too.
  21. No. I voted for Bush in both elections (and threw up in disgust - but I did vote for him). FoxSnooze is just bull sh--.
  22. And they also spelled it "marshal" law.
  23. Like I said, they make it up as they go along...if it turns out true, fine, they get the scoop. If not...change the headline, no one will remember after a few days. Total joke of a news organization; anyone who uses FoxSnooze as a primary source for any news should have their head examined.
  24. And now FoxSnooze has retracted their "MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED!!!" headline. What a friggin' surprise.
  25. And only Fox News. Given that Fox has a history of playing fast and loose with facts (i.e. making sh-- up) in order to try to scoop the other networks, I'm not buying it yet. The mayor did, however, say it'll be about 4-6 weeks before power's restored to the city, and suggest the city may have to be abandoned.
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