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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Troi wasn't bad from the neck down. And Tasha Yar was tasty, if a little unstable.
  2. I don't. Hate seafood. Have since I caught my first three-headed fish in Lake Erie...
  3. I could if I cared. Christopher Pike fan, remember?
  4. If the pump NO into the Gulf, toxins in the Gulf are going to hang around for a long while...and toxins absorbed by the marine life are going to stay there until such sea life is caught. Not that I'm saying they shouldn't pump NO out into the Gulf...just that I wouldn't be eating any fresh-caught shrimp gumbo on the Gulf coast for a long while...
  5. I know...it's not weaponized, so what do you care?
  6. Except the marine life...which stores toxins and then becomes seafood.
  7. I'd rather have a government that did its job effectively. You really think that, instead of whipping CIA and FBI into shape, giving them someone else to compete with was the answer? Then compound it by taking elements of Commerce, Treasury, Transportation, and State and giving THEM to HS...and let DoD manage their own programs. Now everyone's competing against everyone else. Yeah, that'll be effective. The answer to bull sh-- is rarely to pile more bull sh-- on top of it and hope it masks the smell...
  8. Did they say he has MRSA? Wouldn't surprise me...but I didn't hear any reports say it flat-out, either.
  9. Just like the one Picard has?
  10. And there's no potable water available. People need to drink something...
  11. What, did you google "nosocomial infection" after you read it? I don't know what nosocomial staph infections are like, exactly, but I'd bet it's localized in the knee joint and not a bloodstream infection as in the CDC article. Simply because, if it were a bloodstream infection, he wouldn't have any problems after six weeks, as he'd likely be dead. Google 'MRSA' for more info, or read: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/Aresist/ca_mrsa_public.htm
  12. If he's been slowed by a six-week staph infection, it's probably a nosocomial infection with a mutant antibiotic-resistant strain, and he's in serious trouble.
  13. Some couldn't, though. Some of those people simply didn't have transportation. I have sympathy for people victimized by a lack of options. It's the morons who said "I'll ride it out...how bad can it be?" when they're ten feet below sea level that bug me. How bad can it be? See that big-ass river above your head?...
  14. And I'm one of the people that tend to believe he shouldn't have caved. More government bureaucracy is usually not the answer.
  15. And you know what you don't see people looting? Swimwear. Life preservers. Inflatable rafts. You're in the middle of a flood, people!
  16. Better than he can play QB...
  17. But starting an original thread is hard...
  18. In New Orleans, police are all but helping the looters. Seriously. Apparently there was one incident where some hospital workers took two large laundry bins across the street to a pharmacy, under shotgun-armed police escort, to grab all the prescription meds (citing an immediate need, which I think is reasonable). A crowd started to gather to loot the store, and the police told them "You can have it when we're done." Granted, New Orleans is quite possibly the world's biggest cesspool right now, and there's people there who do have legitimate need. I'd personally give anyone looting blankets, baby formula, shoes, etc., a pass, as there's people who have lost literally everything (and ultimately, the merchandise is for the most part wrecked and will be written off by the companies anyway). But these dumbasses who are taking TV's? Shoot 'em...at the very least for stealing a television that's been underwater for two days in a city that doesn't have any electricity anyway. And someone please shoot that idiot I keep seeing on TV looting a 12-pack of toilet paper in chest-high water. Why the !@#$ are you carrying a 12-pack of toilet paper through a lake????
  19. That was nonsensical and angry enough to sound like an auto exec stole your wife and your dog. But "Because they own the patent for the hybrid car. GM could have had a piece of it, but they said it didn't make economic sense. Hey, you just lost a billion dollars in three months. You don't have any economic sense. " Was pretty damned funny.
  20. Rarity. Aside from looking pretty, gold's a pretty important industrial metal with interesting physical properties (like you can pound a sheet so thin it becomes transparent.) But mostly, because it's pretty and traditional.
  21. They've been dropping a bunch of those all day, from what I heard. "Sandbags of mass destruction"? They're going to have to drop a lot more than one, though...that's a big breach. If that's the plan, it's going to take a lot of helicopter fuel to do it.
  22. I remember not to long ago when $2.25 was unthinkable. Now I'd be happy to see it that low...
  23. Because if you don't provide specifics, it just sounds like whining. "Bush's environmental policies suck", though I agree with the statement, is not specifics. And "Bush didn't sign Kyoto" is just garbage; Congress ratifies treaties, not the president. National security and counter-proliferation.
  24. Which is transparently stupid. With the possible exception of Japan (I don't remember exactly), China is the biggest foreign holder of US debt in the world. If the dollar collapses to half its former value, that devalues a huge chunk of China's currency reserves, and ultimately devalues their currency as well. They wouldn't suffer as much as we would...but "stronger" is a misuse of the word. "Not quite as weakened as us" would be more accurate.
  25. "Holding dollars" is equivalent to "holding US Treasury Notes/Bonds/Bills". Interest rates on US government debt would go up, the government would have to find other ways of financing itself (raise taxes), or cut spending (lower consumption), either of which creates a drag on the economy - and a serious one, if there's a real run on the dollar. And anyone who doesn't get out early is going to get raped by a collapsing market - lots of entities keep cash stashed away in Treasuries, since they're stable and liquid. Lots of those entities, if the dollar collapses, are basically going to hemmorhage cash and go under (i.e. bankruptcy). Countries that peg their currency to the dollar (of which there are quite a few) are going to get destroyed. Basically, total economic collapse. The world runs on US dollars and debt (the US debt market was the largest investment market in the world a few years back; it probably still is).
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